EEK - Waking BG's

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

The morning BG reading trend is climbing and I don't like it.

It has rarely been over 5.5 since I went on the Metformin and for the last week it's always been over 6.7.

I hope they (the readings) go back down next week. In the mean time I think I'll have to eat even less than I do and do even more exercise.

I know I am sucking extra strong mints instead of smoking, but it's been 7 weeks now and I get through half a packet a day which is 22g of carbs.

I am worried the trend will not go down and if that's the case I'll have to speak to my doctor about increasing the Metformin. (My father was T2 went on to Insulin and that's my real fear.)

The morning BG reading trend is climbing and I don't like it.

It has rarely been over 5.5 since I went on the Metformin and for the last week it's always been over 6.7.

I hope they (the readings) go back down next week. In the mean time I think I'll have to eat even less than I do and do even more exercise.

I know I am sucking extra strong mints instead of smoking, but it's been 7 weeks now and I get through half a packet a day which is 22g of carbs.

I am worried the trend will not go down and if that's the case I'll have to speak to my doctor about increasing the Metformin. (My father was T2 went on to Insulin and that's my real fear.)


Firstly congratulations on the stopping smoking. Believe me sucking half a packet of extra strong mints is fab compared to smoking. I gave up 5 years ago in November. I still like the smell of a fresh lit fag, god knows why. I'm not one of those reformed smokers but I did find it hard to go into smokey pubs when I had given up as it would trigger asthma (exascerbated from the smoking). You've done the hardest bit, first three weeks !

Keep going.
Hi Tez, sorry to hear about the climbing BG levels. It might just be that you are going through a period of slightly raised levels - I have experienced this myself just last week when I was waking in the 6's instead of 5's, but now I'm back in the 5's again. Just keep an eye on it. I know you keep a record of meals etc. - is there anything in there that might suggest a factor? Are you more stressed at the moment generally - maybe with the kids back at school?😱 This might also be an adjustment from stopping smoking and it's possible it is temporary, I do hope so.

However, if the answer does end up being more medication, or even insulin, then that's what you need, so don't feel that you have not done your part - diabetes is subject to so many factors, and there are some we can't always control.

Giving up smoking is by far and away the BEST thing you have done for your health and you've probably saved over ?200 so far - even taking into accout the cost of all those mints!🙂
Well done on the stopping smoking Tez - I haven't quite managed to cut them out altogether but I'm getting there! Hope you get the BG's sorted too as Northerner said lots of things can contribute - keep me posted.

Well done on stopping the smoking habit, I give up 4 years ago this coming December, You will feel alot better for it. Sorry about your morning BGs going up, it kend of makes me feel guilty because mine have come down below 7 for the first time ever, but I'm sure yours wont be long before they are back within your normal range, your intending running will help there.
Good luck

No idea Tez, hope you get it down soon, just a few thoughts....

Could it be todo with the weather? The summers obviousy over, colder nights etc may affect the way the body works a wee bit??

I noticed on another thread you are thinking about running/jogging, surely this can only help? Crack on with it!! Maybe start with the walk to church or similar which I know you've said you've done a few times already.

Good luck with it all.
Could it be todo with the weather? The summers obviousy over, colder nights etc may affect the way the body works a wee bit??

Could be part of the reason, there were lots of posts at the beginning of the summer about changing levels be that people running higher or more hypos. This tends to happen again when autumn hits, I myself have posted about increasing my basal.
Hmm thinking about it I've been waking and generally running a bit higher the last week or so!
Hi Tez congrats on giving up smoking i gave up smoking 21 yrs ago after smoking 40 a day for 20odd yrs and i chewed sugar free gum from morning till night still do after all these yrs i guess its a habit in itself now just an idea for you good luck lynne x
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