eek, not sure if I've given me bolus instead of basal.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi, not sure if I've given myself 2 units of bolus instead of 2 units basal. 1 unit of bolus brings me down by 3 . So I was on a 13 when I had my evening basal or accidentall bolus possibly. So in an hour I've come down 4 (I've still got an hour or 2 left on my meal time bolus) so I'm thinking I have given me bolus instead of basal. So if need be I can eat but what do I do about the missed basal if that is what's happened?
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Actually just remembered I was one unit too much on daytime basal as I was on my feet most of last night and my stress has dropped off and I forgot to drop that by one today. I've been running lower than usual all day so it's probably that. Duh!
Unless you’re confident you’ve definitely missed your basal, I wouldn’t risk taking it twice. I’d just test and correct with insulin or carbs as required.
Unless you’re confident you’ve definitely missed your basal, I wouldn’t risk taking it twice. I’d just test and correct with insulin or carbs as required.
Thanks Lucy. What's thrown me is I've realised my bolus bag is right by me. Usually I stuff it under a pillow so I don't grab it. Complicated by forgetting to drop my basal by one this morning. It's made me double think myself.
Update, so 2 hours on from injection and defo not bolus! So must still be effects of one unit to high basal so tomorrow everything will be dropped by one. Ate a choccy biscuit as no where near a hypo just dropping a bit quicker now than usual from mealtime. I was expecting to drop it any day if my stress levels dropped anyway which they have. Probs with a daughter with severe mental health problems. Every few weeks it gets very heavy. This last week was a nightmare, changes got made and she's calmed down dramatically. So not had the anxiety today that I've had for just over a week.
Glad you erred on the side of caution @gillrogers

Always tricky when these things happen late at night isn’t it, because there is such a long time ahead when you won’t be actively keeping an eye on things, so short of setting multiple alarms overnight, there’s a real risk in taking any extra insulin late on.

As @Lucyr says, it’s usually best just to keep a close eye on things unless you are really sure.
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