Eck! Stage 3a Chronic Kidney Disease!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
During yesterday's chat with a GP (I has specifically requested one of the diabetes leads - there are two) it emerged following the course of the diuretic Furosemide after decades of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Stage 2 I have gone to CKD Stage 3a. He will have the kidney function tests repeated as we are now two months on and three weeks off Furosemide. At the same time will do HbA1c and PSA (had post catheter issues with nasty UTI post surgery some years ago.

Any experiences of CKD worse than Stage 2?
Oh Mikey! Really sorry to hear you have another health issue which is causing concern. I am afraid stage 2 or 3a don't mean anything to me but I am guessing 3a will be lower than 3b so hopefully just a minor deterioration but obviously with the water retention in your foot, and needing to take a diuretic for that, it all adds extra strain.

This getting older lark is not easy. Sending (((HUGS))) and keeping fingers crossed it is perhaps a temporary and minimal deterioration. X

Did you manage to get an appointment with the consultant or a referral to the diabetes clinic if you are currently under the management of your GP?
Oh no! Really sorry to hear this @MikeyBikey

Do they think coming off the Furosemide will help slow progress? Is there an alternative you can have. Or do you must not need it any longer?
Sorry to hear that, Mikey. I got a Stage 3a (mild-to-moderate) CKD diagnosis last year as my eGFR had dropped to 55. I read up on what was bad for my kidneys and there were 5 things - high BG, high BP, high cholesterol, too much salt in my diet and overdoing protein. First four aren't an issue but guilty as charged regarding protein, so I cut some of that out. Two subsequent eGFRs put it back above 60, which is Stage 2 (mild). Hopefully your repeat tests will be positive.
Hi @MikeyBikey I have also been told I have stage 3 kidney disease (eGFR 54). I'm pretty sure it's the Losartan I take for high BP. The Dr has reassured me that she is not worried at this stage. I'm afraid I have buried my head in the sand regarding this. Anyway, HUGS.
Hi @MikeyBikey
Sorry to hear you have another thing to deal with.
Big hugs.
Hi @MikeyBikey

Sorry to hear about your kidney function worries

I’ve bobbled around between Stage 2 CKD and have dropped into 3A a few times over the years. I’ve had proteinuria since the ‘80s.

I was advised to take Irbesartan which can help protect kidney function. It’s a blood pressure tablet but as I don’t have high blood pressure I’ve had to stop it for a while as I was getting really light headed & dizzy. My last few egfr tests showed my levels had improved a bit & put me back in Stage 2 so I hope I can stay there.

Hoping your kidney function might rally a bit with changes to medication.
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