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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
They sell some amazing things on Ebay you can't deny, and indeed I have shifted some unwanted items and made a bob or two to boot. But I am fascinated by the silliest things that you may have heard of or seen for sale on eBay.

One that sticks in my head is a 'bottle with a ghost in'! The ghost was captured in a Kent graveyard apparently by someone who just happened to be walking by carrying an empty bottle! Not sure how much it went for but it did sell from memory.

Another and probably the most 'odd' was a half eaten banana. The banana was bitten into by Kate Garaway of GMTV and it made thousands of pounds?

But of course there are less entertaining things for sale on there too...
not on ebay but a site called freecycle today had for offer a yard full of snow!!!! lol guy wanted it collecting asap.
Hubby uses ebay. The daftest thing he's seen is fresh air from the top of Snowdon. One of my work colleagues had a garden pond full of rain they wanted rid of before they could move the pond!
hahaha some people will try and sell anything!!!
money for old rope

I remember seeing a TV programme a while back, where the journalist managed to find a buyer for some used rope - he literally got money for old rope, selling to a happy sailor who wanted to it to lash a tarpaulin over a dingy.
Do you remember that man who sold his entire life, home, car, job and everything on ebay and then that german couple that got arrested for trying to sell their baby, mentalists!
Some bloke last year put his cheating wife up for sale on ebay, gave details and all sorts......mental :D
lol i have a sub par pancreas to but i will swap for a nintendo wii 😉
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