Eating too much cake can make you hairy

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
More than half of all women are concerned about excess body hair, according to a report published by market research company Mintel last month.
In the online survey of more than 2,000 women, excess hair was rated just behind weight gain for body dissatisfaction.
It?s estimated that one in ten of us suffers from excess facial and body hair. But what causes it?
?Sometimes race or just a family tendency to be more hairy is to blame, rather than any medical problem,? explains Dr Rina Davison, an endocrinologist from Whipps Cross University Hospital, London, with a special interest in excess hair.

Another classic headline from the DM! 😱🙄
Good greif this is the reason behind the hairs on the backs of my hand then 😛
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