Eating meals too quickly 'could raise your risk of diabetes by two-and-a-half times'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Eating too fast won't just give you indigestion - it could be causing diabetes, claim scientists.
They have discovered that those of us who wolf down our meals are two-and-a-half times more at risk.
This could be because eating very quickly encourages weight gain which can trigger the illness.

Scientists in Lithuania looked at 702 people, including 234 who had just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
They all filled in a detailed questionnaire about their lifestyles which included sections on diets, exercise and whether they smoked.
I've always eaten quickly. But then so do both my parents. I think it's in my genes. I know it's better for you to chew your food properly, but unless I make a very conscious effort to do that then I just naturally eat fast.
I've never gotten indigestion from it though :confused:
I've always eaten quickly. But then so do both my parents. I think it's in my genes. I know it's better for you to chew your food properly, but unless I make a very conscious effort to do that then I just naturally eat fast.
I've never gotten indigestion from it though :confused:

I'm the opposite, I'm always the last to finish! 🙂
Yup another i the fast eater camp, was always told off for it when i was small by my mum as she said always chew each mouthful 12 times, now like Redrevis would have to sit there and concsiously do it its just become natural now
On the other hand I've always been a slow eater, so it doesn't always follow.

Andy (but I was overweight nonetheless) HB 🙂
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