Eating Habits Help!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was wondering if anybody could spare a few minutes to help me with my dissertation. I'm a third year student at Northumbria University and the time has come for me to begin my research project. As a Type 1 diabetic studying Psychology I am interested in looking at eating behaviours in people and whether eating attitudes are different or have changed in people with type 1 diabetes since being diagnosed. Previous research has suggested that diabetes unavoidably determines patients to focus on food which in turn can lead to a disordered obsession similar to that of eating disordered patients such as anorexia and bulimia.

I have put together a questionnaire, available following the link (may have to paste this into the web browser) and would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. I'm struggling to find fellow students with diabetes. If you are at all interested in the results I find I will be happy to email you my findings and conclusions.

Thank you for your time
Charlie MacDermid
Undergraduate in Psychology, Northumbria University
Good luck Charles have filled it out, will be interested to see your results. i have been treated for an eating disorder and know at least a couple other members of this forum, so important area of research,
Charles - I have filled it out. I am not sure if my answers will confuse the study though as I had an eating disorder before I was diagnosed with diabetes so have always had issues with food.
my answers might not seem consitent, because some asked if I've ever done stuff and some asked about currently.
are you only looking at T1 's because I thought I was on the verge of having an eating disorder ...but sinced being disgnosed T2 and having more even BS levels i find i am alot better because I dont feel so ill anymore
my answers might not seem consitent, because some asked if I've ever done stuff and some asked about currently.

Mine are probably a bit inconsistent too. It may have been more helpful to ask about attitudes/habits pre and post diagnosis - but then I dont know what exactly it is that you are wanting to find out from the study.
or not having people that have/had eating disorders filling it out. I'm sure we skew the results. Like Rachel I had eating issues pre- diagnosis, and after diagnosis but now would say I'm pretty much ok, just have to be careful.
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