Eating cereals with low sugar 4%.

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. I have for sometime avoided cereal for reducing carbs . But now summer , thought I’d try again, shreddies , less than 4% sugars , blood reading before breakfast 6.4. So normal range. 1 hr after. Blood reading 2.7 !! I started to feel that hypo . I would have thought the carbs would increase level. I very very rarely get any hypo . Is this normal or what do others experience?
Hi. I have for sometime avoided cereal for reducing carbs . But now summer , thought I’d try again, shreddies , less than 4% sugars , blood reading before breakfast 6.4. So normal range. 1 hr after. Blood reading 2.7 !! I started to feel that hypo . I would have thought the carbs would increase level. I very very rarely get any hypo . Is this normal or what do others experience?
That does sound very odd, did you double check the reading as it may have been a dodgy strip but if you felt hypo then it may have been correct.
Are you taking any medication like gliclazide as that may have made your pancreas produce insulin more quickly than the carbs from the shreddies causing the low blood glucose.
However the information you should be looking at is the carbohydrates not just the 'sugar' as that is one example where the 'sugar' can be low but the carbs content is very high. Even the 'low sugar' cereals are not necessarily a good option if Type 2 but it may depend on your medication if any.
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Hi @Devenportm and welcome to the forum.

Low blood glucose in a T2 is unusual unless you are on insulin or on large doses of medication that significantly reduces blood glucose. Is that the case with you? If not then that 2.7 looks like a flyer, i.e.a spurious result that should be ignored. Any test giving a result like that should be repeated immediately and only if that gives a reading in the same territory should you think about reacting to it.
Maybe the "crash" after a spike leading to your hypo? 40g of shreddies contain 5g of sugar but 28g of carbohydrate, all of it converts to glucose. See the graphs on the Freshwell website.

Are you aiming for remission?
Thank you everyone. Whilst very rare for me I def know when hypo so don’t believe it was spurious . I’m using 1000mg metformin so nothing too unusual there . Maybe next time I’ll have a banana with it and se what happens !
Thank you everyone. Whilst very rare for me I def know when hypo so don’t believe it was spurious . I’m using 1000mg metformin so nothing too unusual there . Maybe next time I’ll have a banana with it and se what happens !
A banana with shreddies? That'll double the carbs for sure.
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Thank you everyone. Whilst very rare for me I def know when hypo so don’t believe it was spurious . I’m using 1000mg metformin so nothing too unusual there . Maybe next time I’ll have a banana with it and se what happens !
Metformin alone should not cause hypos as it it working away in the background not directly acting on the carbs in the food you eat.
Having a banana as well would be a huge carb meal and likely wouldn't help your level a bit later. You could have full fat Greek yoghurt with berries and maybe a few shreddies for some crunch or add some nuts or seeds.
High Glucose levels can often feel like a low. You would be extremely unlikely to have a slump an hour after eating. Which BG meter do you use? Some register a low readings when you don't get enough blood on the test strip. The Sinocare is one such meter, but 5% of all test strips can be rogue, so you should always double check an unusual reading and a low reading like that after eating when you are not on insulin or Gliclazide is extremely unusual.

I certainly wouldn't be adding a high carb fruit like a banana into the mix next time if you are genuinely spiking and then plummeting with the plain shreddies, because you are putting your body under increased strain and you might pass out next time you have such big drop into a hypo.
You are having too many carbs already if this was a genuine hypo. I wonder if you are confused with people who are insulin dependent and need to eat carbs to prevent or treat hypos. Your situation is very, very different. Basically (if this was a genuine hypo) your first phase insulin release from your pancreas is too little and too late to cover the carbs in your Shreddies so your levels rise really high and then your second phase insulin secretion kicks in to deal with that high and over corrects, causing your levels to crash. The answer is to eat less carbs so that your levels don't go high in the first place and then trigger that drop. If you eat more carbs like a banana with the Shreddied, your levels could spike higher and then plummet lower.

Personally, I very much doubt this was a genuine low.
A banana with shreddies? That'll double you the carbs for sure.
I know but whenever I have had a hypo a banana stabilises me . It’s had blueberries with my shreddies ( Tesco own brand) as lower sugar than nestle . Trying to be sensible and lol what that got me
If it is a genuine hypo then you need to stop it from happening. What you are not understanding is that it is too many carbs which makes your levels go high and then your body produces too much insulin too late and causes them to plummet. This is actually worse for your body than having moderately high but stable BG levels. If you eat a banana with your Shreddies that will almost certainly cause your levels to go higher and then fall faster and further when your second phase insulin response kicks in. This is actually Reactive Hypoglycaemia rather than diabetes and the answer is to have smaller, lower carb meals, not more carbs.
I’d read up about reactive hypoglycaemia and see if you think that fits

Are you aware that I restoring normal function of the liver and pancreas could well alleviate the problem?

Either way, if you haven't seen it, I suggest you look at this video of a talk Professor Roy Taylor gave last year abour achieving T2D remission.
It would help to know a little more about your diagnosis, what was your HbA1C and how long ago did you get your diagnosis and what sort of dietary regime have you been following. Have you been testing out some of your other meals and what sort of readings do you get.
It seems like a lot of questions but it will help rather than us speculating about where you are at.
Hi. I have for sometime avoided cereal for reducing carbs . But now summer , thought I’d try again, shreddies , less than 4% sugars , blood reading before breakfast 6.4. So normal range. 1 hr after. Blood reading 2.7 !! I started to feel that hypo . I would have thought the carbs would increase level. I very very rarely get any hypo . Is this normal or what do others experience?

I doubt you were having a hypo 1 hour after eating.

I suspect your reading was an error.

I believe reactive hypoglycemia in T2s occurs quite late after eating and is thought to be due to the 2nd phase insulin release kicking in after a blunted 1st phase has allowed levels to rise. (But don't quote me on that.)
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