Easter prescriptions!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was just remembering the disaster zone that was Christmas when lots of us couldnt get the supplies we needed because of the snow...🙄

Tomorrow I am hoping to collect my prescription and tot up supplies. I thought it might be worth a reminder that if you need a prescription doing then put it in tomorrow or Tuesday.......

Remember it's a 4 day weekend this weekend and they will be closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday!!

Lou xx
Goodness thanks a million Lou im low on metformin and need some more.Phew know where im heading tomorrow now.:D
Thanks for the reminder, I think I'm OK, but it is always sensible to check!
Bumping up to make sure everyone gets the reminder
Just collected mine today, with the least drama I've had for over a year. I decided I would go back to putting the repeat in at the surgery rather than the pharmacy. Collected the script, put it in at the pharmacy next door. After being told it would be 10-15 minutes I told them I'd come back - returned in 45 minutes after trip to library and it was all ready - insulin taken from fridge. I did notice that there was a different pharmacist. Only point against them was that they didn't ask for confirmation of who I was, but to be fair the woman recognised me and I'd only been in recently.

So, all done with far less frustration this time. Still a lot of to-ing and fro-ing, but can't complain 🙂
Just checked and I'm fine for now. Thanks for the reminder though. My memory is so bad these days I have set reminders on my phone or I'd forget my head.
I actually have 10 boxes of bm strips because of a mistake with my collection service and doctors surgery so im sorted for them until the distant future haha They are idiots sometimes I have to say!!🙄
Thanks Lou, I think I need a bit of everything right now, sun, sea, and sangrea!😉 Oh and the wheelbarrow load of drugs and accessories! Lets hope I know when it gets to the day before I need them so I can have a pleasant experience with the docs and the farmers!
I put a repeat script in last weds so will pick it up tomorrow and will put in another script next week for something I forgot but have got enough to last me at the moment..
There should be a list, in your doctor's surgeries or in any chemists to say which pharmacies are open over the easter weekend. There's probably one if you get stuck, but you might have to drive/hunt for it.
Can you believe it, after writing this reminder thinking I was doing well (for once! 😉) that I got my prescription in and usual dramas prevailing.....

....Im the only blimmin person in the world (or this postcade anyway) who seems to use insulin in a vial (come on, its not that old fashioned) and they have NONE in stock!

I cant go after work today or tomorrow to see if they have any in stock and friday and Monday are shut. I'll be sucking on the dregs of whats left.

....so much for my forward planning :(
I try not to plan too far ahead for anything. If I plan too far in advance I end up diapointed or not getting what I want or something will go wrong. I know it's different with our meds as we need them.
I don't know about where you live but there's always a duty chemist open here in town on Sundays and holidays. Your surgery should be able to tell you who, where and when.
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Just picked mine up, with my new pharmacy newmark, had everything ready and waiting no problems, what a diffrence from boots.

Why carnt boots do it like a much smaller pharmacy can.....
Just picked mine up, with my new pharmacy newmark, had everything ready and waiting no problems, what a diffrence from boots.

Why carnt boots do it like a much smaller pharmacy can.....

Glad to hear they were no dramas Scotty long may it continue.
Got my supplies today thanks for the reminder....though on prescription it said 100 test strips, got home and theres only 50 Grr stupid pharmacy!!
Got my supplies today thanks for the reminder....though on prescription it said 100 test strips, got home and theres only 50 Grr stupid pharmacy!!

i always check in front of them in the shop, that way theres no saying they put it in when they havent🙂
I always check my bag before I leave just incase they have made a mistake. They haven't yet, but the one time I don't check I'll be missing something.
You should go back and tell them they only gave you 50 and you need the rest, I expect it was just a mistake.
thanks for this post cheqed my stocks and i only have enough test strips for meter for a couple of days and 2 keytone strips left good job i see my gp tomorrow.
That's a pain lou, I meant to put one in at the start of the week because I saw your reminder but I forgot- ah well I've got enough to last me for the next week or so *I think*

Thanks for the reminder though 😉 x
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