East Surrey Hospital

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Nowt about outpatients services though, is there? This is all A&E and inpatients presumably, though who knows ......
I think OPDs fall under the categories of 'doctors', 'care and treatment', 'the hospital and ward' and 'nurses' perhaps. Especially as the diabetes clinic isn't labelled a clinic, it's actually part of Chipstead (wait for it) Ward!! 😉

but who knows..... having been to many of the OP depts (dermatology, weight, gynaecology, orthopaedics, ENT, xray, others I can't remember now) I have to be fair and say most of them were 'ok' to 'ok-verging-on-poor'.

It's just the diabetes team that never fails to disappoint. I've currently made 15 calls to the DSNs within the last 5 working days - only one of those calls were answered and that was to say they'd check appointment times and get back to me - which they still haven't! I've left (increasing desperate) ansfone msgs on 7 of those occasions, to no avail.
It's just the diabetes team that never fails to disappoint. I've currently made 15 calls to the DSNs within the last 5 working days - only one of those calls were answered and that was to say they'd check appointment times and get back to me - which they still haven't! I've left (increasing desperate) ansfone msgs on 7 of those occasions, to no avail.

Can you been seen at another hospital with a different team? Sounds as if you need to ask your GP for a referal elsewhere.
Complain to PALS about the lack of help as well.
And a letter to the Chief Executive copied to the Director of Operations.

yes, definitely - I want to complain. I actually prepared a draft complaint the last time this happened months ago - but just before I sent it off, I got an app with the DSN so never sent it.

Problem is, along with my work, I am about to start legal action on 2 separate diploma providers (one for work, one I'm doing for pleasure) and also against my management company for them not carrying out necessary repairs in the communal area of my block of flats. That's 3 legal battles, that plus coping with my job and trying to get to grips with all the new stuff I'm learning from the site (and actually trying to get things under control) is pretty much about all I can handle at the moment.

I did try to find out what area/how many patients the 3 DSNs at East Surrey cover but after 3 calls to the switchboard, 2 mis directions to wrong wards, one hang up and 1 call to the PCT with one woman not knowing and one woman's ansafone, I gave up exhausted this afternoon. :(

I even tried phoning the DSNs at Haywards Heath also this afternoon (which is a good 30 minutes drive from me but I'm that desperate) - but surprise surprise, got their ansafone and they're only open until 12.30. Last time i checked with my GP a few years ago about moving hospitals, the only other hospital where the DSNs would treat me was Ewell - I had one app there with the consultant who told me that in no uncertain terms that an insulin pump would mean no more swimming, sunbathing or wearing a bikini ever again and never went back! However, trophywench has been really helpful in doing me checks on this for me.

In fairness, I don't think it's the DSNs faults - I think they just have too big a remit to cover. If I do complain, I will be making it clear that I have no issue with the support when I do receive it; it's just receiving it in the first place that's the problems :s
Hi Dory,
the simplest way to find out how many dsn's is to ask under the freedom of information act. Look on PCT website when you have a moment, hopefully you should find info on there as to who to write to.
As to the rest on your plate all I can say is 😱
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