East Anglia ?faring better than most? in diabetes postcode lottery

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Treatment for diabetic patients is a postcode lottery with a massive variation in quality of care from one region to another, according to a report which reveals that East Anglia is faring better than most areas.

In some regions, only 6pc of people with diabetes received the recommended levels of care compared to 69pc in the highest-achieving primary care trusts (PCTs), a National Audit Office (NAO) report found.

But not a single PCT delivered the nine basic care processes, which reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications such as blindness, amputation or kidney disease, to 100pc of patients.

In Norfolk, 61pc of patients were given the nine tests which are recommended by the Department of Health (DH), which put it in the highest percentage bracket of between 60pc and 69pc for trusts in the country.

It was on sky news yesterday that Gateshead was best in country for diabetec care ?
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