ears go funny when sugars are high

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i posted this a few months back, but didnt have any luck with any responses so i'm gonna post it again!!!

whenever my sugars are high (admittedly this is quite often, 24.8 this morning), its like my ears block up and the only way to get my hearing back to normality is to put my head between my legs, i know it sounds ridiculous but this happens most of the time when mysugars are high, and it eventually subsides once my sugars are within a reasonable level.

does anyone else suffer from this!?!! i have been to my gp and she said there is nothing wrong with my ears (no wax or anything) so i'm baffled as to why this happens, and i havent found anyone else that suffers from it?

Any advice would be appreciated thanks!!!
I have experienced something similar, but only when my levels were very high (37) on the day I was diagnosed. It was a bit like when you have got water in your ears and can't hear properly until the water suddenly goes and you can hear properly again. When the ambulance came to pick me up I couldn't hear what they were saying properly, or even my own voice properly. I'm guessing that other people may experience a similar effect at lower (but still high) levels. My levels really haven't got that high since diagnosis so I haven't felt it since.
yes!!! that is exactly it!!! i feel like a cant hear my own voice, and i have to keep sniffing to either block my ears up completely so i can talk normally or sit at my desk with my head between my legs so my hearing can sort itself out!

does anyone know why this happens?
yes!!! that is exactly it!!! i feel like a cant hear my own voice, and i have to keep sniffing to either block my ears up completely so i can talk normally or sit at my desk with my head between my legs so my hearing can sort itself out!

does anyone know why this happens?

I'm not sure - I know it also happens when there is a pressure change, like on an aircraft. The solution then is to swallow or gulp down air as this helps to clear it. In the 'old' days the air stewardess used to come down the plane offering barley sugars to suck on during take off and landing so that you would have lots of saliva to keep swallowing! We could do with an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to tell us what's going on!
i agree, i think my dsn doesnt believe me or that i just have waxy ears but it is really frustrating when it happens - Plus it is my own fault for letting them get that high in the first place
i agree, i think my dsn doesnt believe me or that i just have waxy ears but it is really frustrating when it happens - Plus it is my own fault for letting them get that high in the first place

How high do they need to be before you start feeling it?
mid twentys mark really, my ears went funny first then tested and it was 24.8. tested an hour later after correcting and it was 14.5 but my hearing was no better, tested now and it is 7.4 but my hearing is back to normal...

i dont get why it goes away when i put my head between my legs, i feel like a right idiot at my desk doing it!!!
mid twentys mark really, my ears went funny first then tested and it was 24.8. tested an hour later after correcting and it was 14.5 but my hearing was no better, tested now and it is 7.4 but my hearing is back to normal...

i dont get why it goes away when i put my head between my legs, i feel like a right idiot at my desk doing it!!!

It may have something to do with getting the blood to your head, like when you feel faint. Actually, thinking about it, feeling faint is often due to low blood pressure - I wonder if you blood pressure falls when you are high, and returns to normal when your levels fall?
hmmm, good point, does that tend to happen then? to be honest i am far from the ideallic diabetic, i have had it for 9 years, and still refuse to accept it so i think it just boils down to getting my sugars in the long term sorted, then i wont have to post questions such as this!!

I know that when your BG's are high it causes pressure behind the eyes which is why alot of diabetics experience blurred vision and trouble focusing, it is therefore not unreasonable to assume that it can also cause pressure in the ears leading to your hearing being effected.
i agree, i think my dsn doesnt believe me or that i just have waxy ears but it is really frustrating when it happens - Plus it is my own fault for letting them get that high in the first place

Was it jane by any chance? I can't say I've experienced the same problem though. I haven't seen you post in a long time it's nice to see you back again 😉
yeah it was jane, she didnt say it maliciously or anything but she has never heard of this happening before and couldnt see why the two were linked? its annoying as it has been coming and going all day even though i have been keeping a close eye on them all day, and have not gone any higher than 8. all i have to do is breath in and my hearing goes again...


nice to see you too emma, bubby looks super cute!!! hope you're ok?

I've never really liked her to be honest. That sound's really horrible,poor you! Yeah I'm really good, her name's jessica she was born in january.

Hope you don't mind me asking but are you still having the couselling?

no i dont have the counselling anymore, it helped on a personal level but the diabetes is still an issue so i left.

just get annoyed when my sugars are high and i cant seem to figure out why they are so high, i had two poached eggs with gammon last night, before my sugars were 9.5 (not great) but woke up this morning and they were 22.4. and i stabbed 14 units, which i thought would be more that enough to cover a carb free meal!?!

just had enough of it really

no i dont have the counselling anymore, it helped on a personal level but the diabetes is still an issue so i left.

just get annoyed when my sugars are high and i cant seem to figure out why they are so high, i had two poached eggs with gammon last night, before my sugars were 9.5 (not great) but woke up this morning and they were 22.4. and i stabbed 14 units, which i thought would be more that enough to cover a carb free meal!?!

just had enough of it really


I wonder if your basal needs changing? Either that, or you are having a rebound from a night hypo or suffering Dawn Phenomenon. Have you spoken to your healthcare team about it? Something needs to be done, you can't go on with numbers like that. It might help if you give us some details of a few typical days for you - food eaten, levels before and after meals, insulin taken etc. then we can help you think of possible courses of action 🙂
Yeah northerner is right it could be any of the above. Do you test before you go to bed? because if you test before you go to bed and your basal is right *techincally* you should wake up on the same level unless you have a hypo or have a problem with dawn phenomenon. I got fitted with a cgms(continous blood glucose monitor) by margaret whilst I was pregnant . It was for about 6 days and it helped for me to see that I wasn't high all night it was from about 6am that my levels would start creeping up.

I'm sure that they would do this for you too if you wanted to know what was going on with your blood sugars over night.

If you ever want to talk about things I'm here if you need to rant 🙂

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