Ear Piercing

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey,im 16 i've had diabetes since june 2007, im controling my diabetes really well and i really want my ears pierced,i was wondering can i have them done or not.
Hi Angie

You can have them done but unless you lie (and I don't suggest you do) you will need to get a letter or email from your DSN or consultant or GP saying that you can have them done.

My daughter had them done for a year and as she had lots of highs then were never great and lots of pus (sorry bit detailed I know) kept coming out. I took them out in the end. She had them redone last September, one seems ok now but the other is not healed yet so she is going to keep the ones they pierced them with in until they are healed properly this time. I still bathe them in the stuff they told me to.

They will tell you to not take them out for about 8 weeks (different for different places) always add on some weeks due to healing.

Do get them healed you will need to have good levels. I have had friends who have lied and ticked 'no diabetes' and they have had no problems but I wouldn't advise that, just in case.:)

Good luck

Adrienne x
hi, yes i would be honest, i have my ears, tongue pierced and it is fine but i got my belly button pierced and it was not ok, my body rejected it! you have to be extra clean and careful. some places won't pierce you if your diabetic!the same goes for tattoos!! again i have one but extra care was needed during healing. you need to decide if you want to take the risk!! good luck
I had my ears pierced whenI was 18 with no problems (i was not diabetic then). My mum had hers done in the same place with no problems. My then sister in law had hers done at the same place and had no end of problems.

Check with diabetic care team and make sure your sugar levels are good. It is also sensible to chech hygien standards at the place you want to go to as well. It is worth it for your own portection.
Go forth and pierce!

Have one ear pierced 4 times - once at the top- which was bloomin' painful and did take far longer to heal - also have belly buttomn done and nose was done for years - took that one out because of work. Absolutely no reason not to get pireced - and I did not have docs letter for any of them (and no choice in Bangkok - where I had the belly button done!) Diabetics take longer to heal than those without - so they may take a bit longer to heal - but that is all!
Have one ear pierced 4 times - once at the top- which was bloomin' painful and did take far longer to heal - also have belly buttomn done and nose was done for years - took that one out because of work. Absolutely no reason not to get pireced - and I did not have docs letter for any of them (and no choice in Bangkok - where I had the belly button done!) Diabetics take longer to heal than those without - so they may take a bit longer to heal - but that is all!

Be aware that any resulting infection might have more serious consequences as a diabetic, as these can play havoc with blood sugars and there is then the danger of DKA.

Northerner, the party-pooper;)
Daisy - Ruddy heck! Belly button piercing in Bangkok! Not a good idea, unless you saw the needle package being unwrapped in front of your eyes, and even then, more likely to get a skin infection in a hot humid country than in UK. I'm not trying to scare you, but if the needle wasn't sterile, there is a chance you could have been exposed to a blood-borne infection eg Hepatitis B (for which an immunisation is available), Hepatitis C or HIV (no immunisation available).

Diabetics' wounds don't necessarily take longer to heal, as long as they keep their blood sugar levels under control, but infection can make levels go a bit haywire.
LOL! Was 8 years ago and nothing nasty ever turned up and have now been tested for all being pg!!!! And I did see the needle being unwrapped! As far as skin infection - I was out there for 6 months and very used to the heat and Asia - and I am a hardy soul! Plus there are as many dodgy places in this country - it really is all about being sensible about where you choose...And I should have put diabetics are prone to taking longer to heal for exactly the reason you and Northerner give - Doh! Hate to mislead people! Apologies xx
Daisy, thanks for reassuring us. The problem is that while you were used to the heat, you probably had more / different bacteria on your skin than when in Europe - "flora" as a bacterial community is called, whether on skin, in gut etc. Not simply due to hygiene standards, just down to higher temperature and higher humidity, which suits most bacteria very well.
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