E - consult

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Those of you with surgeries that use E consult, I have a couple of questions, does your surgery restrict access. I had to wait till 8am this morning to access it. My other half had to complete for me it was very lengthy, I am not feeling good I spent 6 hours in A&E yesterday, following a faint and falling only face and giving my neck pain. I had a CT scan that was clear. I was giving a dose of Oramorph which really helped the pain, but the Doctor could not prescribe me any to bring home, and said to contact Doctors today.
After submitting the form to GP it says it could by as late as as tomorrow tea time for a reply. The over the counter Co-codomol help but no enough to function.
Those of you with surgeries that use E consult, I have a couple of questions, does your surgery restrict access. I had to wait till 8am this morning to access it. My other half had to complete for me it was very lengthy, I am not feeling good I spent 6 hours in A&E yesterday, following a faint and falling only face and giving my neck pain. I had a CT scan that was clear. I was giving a dose of Oramorph which really helped the pain, but the Doctor could not prescribe me any to bring home, and said to contact Doctors today.
After submitting the form to GP it says it could by as late as as tomorrow tea time for a reply. The over the counter Co-codomol help but no enough to function.
I’ve never had to use ours, but on the practice website, it says, 'Monday to Friday, daily, until capacity is met' So yes, it is restricted depending on how many people are trying to use it.
Sorry to hear you’ve come such a cropper. When I fell of a horse and was in urgent need for painkiller, I rang the surgery and told them it was urgent. I’d have thought of you tell them you’ve been instructed by A & E to get seen today, they should get you dealt with. (Though you can spend ages on hold trying to get through at our surgery, and last time OH needed urgent attention they didn’t ring back til gone 6pm)
I've never had a problem, but as I know the surgery's opening times I only use the online service in those times. I've always had a very prompt reply, within a couple of hours. In fact when I was running a very high temperature, the locum was at my house within a couple of hours, as a recognised emergency.
Really sorry you have had such a nasty tumble. Hope you get some medication to help soon and make a full recovery.

Our e-Consult seems to be unlimited at the moment anyway, both time and capacity wise. I last used it last month and it works brilliantly. I usually compose mine late at night when I have plenty of time to think straight without distraction, often on a weekend, so I have certainly tested it out of office hours.
Yes my surgery’s econsult is only open when the surgery is open
Thanks everyone for your replies, still not heard anything other than automated response, at 8.16.
Well just had call from the surgery saying they inundated with e consults this week. Initially offered my something Friday, and asked had asked in Pharmacy for help. My Pharmacy has long queues all day long even for regular prescription, and I already have over the counter analgesia, arnica gel, and ice packs. So now have a Doctor calling this afternoon.
Well just had a call form a Doctor she is prescribing me the prescription strength Co Codomol. Hoping they help.
Sorry you’re not well. Hope you improve soon.
We used to be able to use E consult 24/7 now it’s 7.30am to 7.30pm. I thought I was being clever sending an e consult late evening to be seen first but alas that didn’t work. It’s nigh on impossible to get through on the phone at 8am and be able to get a phone appointment when you did, now the moving of the e consult goal posts is just going to send more folks to A&E for minor matters. The system is totally broken.
Sorry you’re not well. Hope you improve soon.
We used to be able to use E consult 24/7 now it’s 7.30am to 7.30pm. I thought I was being clever sending an e consult late evening to be seen first but alas that didn’t work. It’s nigh on impossible to get through on the phone at 8am and be able to get a phone appointment when you did, now the moving of the e consult goal posts is just going to send more folks to A&E for minor matters. The system is totally broken.
Thank-you it gets worse , the Pharmacy has none of the prescription strength Co-codomol hopefully in the morning.
At least the Ambulance and Aand E trip went fairly smooth,possibly as my faint was preceded by a few hours of sickness and diahorrea.So was wheeled straight into a room. Had CT scan quite quickly.
I’m sorry you’re feeling so grim. I hope you recover quickly.

E-consult for us isn’t available at the weekend, not sure about evenings. And mostly it takes a few days to get a response but it can be quicker. They usually try to triage them. If I just need a meds review or something like that they’re a godsend as the GP’s pharmacist will do them quickly but to see my actual GP takes weeks.

For on the day you can call any time up to 11 (there will be a long queue and they do a callback system so you don’t have to stay on the line) and you will be able to have at least a phone consult. For nurses etc you can’t call before 11 to make appointments. Blood tests I can make appointments on the NHS app.
I dream of having e-consult. I can book an appointment via the NHS app.
The first one available is more than a month away.
Or, I could try the 8am phone long wait lottery.
We used to have 24/7 econsult. Then it went to open hours only - so it could be reviewed and urgent cases weren’t buried in the pile overnight or at weekends as presumably these people would rightly seek more urgent care by means of 111 or A&E.

We now have a new system (Anima) which is shorter to complete but has different flaws. It’s often closed once you get on the drs list to reply to you. The patient cannot see and does not get a copy of the submission to refer back to. Typically it’s a week to get a reply of any sort and that’s usually by non-reply text often missing the entire point let alone an appointment or actual two way consultation. Often there’s no point in phoning cos they just make you do an econsult (or do it for you if you can’t use online services).

We have access to the e-consult system, but when I used it, then followed up by phone, I was told not to use it as they didn't read e-consults. I mean,............ Eh?

My feedback was if they don't intend to work with it, do not allow patients access to it. They seem very able to turn all manner of other functions off.

< rant over >
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