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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Further to my posts i contacted the GP to book the medical and it appears the GP made a mistake on the form and I do not need a medical afer all and they are trying to rectify this by contacting the DVLA it is a shame we do not see what they write about us it certainly ruined my weekend and days off with the worry now I have to wait the outcome.
Many thanks for the posts from everyone I knew my control was ok as the hospital and Diabetic GP are very pleased, I would like an apology from the DVLA and am considering putting in a complaint to stop something like this happening again its a question of the patient knows best
Glad to hear it's been sorted Christine, thanks for the update.🙂 If it was the doctor's mistake though, why complain to the DVLA?
I would like an apology from the DVLA and am considering putting in a complaint to stop something like this happening again its a question of the patient knows best

Hi Christine,
glad your GP is trying to sort things out. But in all honesty you can not blame DVLA. They only go on what's written on the forms.
Unfortunately the patient doesn't always no best either. There are quite a few who can see no problem with driving whilst hypo unaware or have far to many hypos to be safe behind the wheel.
So for safety's sake any doubt then the DVLA check. 🙂
glad to hear everything has been sorted out now 🙂

I agree with the others though - my written, strong, complaint would be going straight to the doctor's for their incompetence. These are standard forms that they must see a lot. If anyone's caused all your anguish, it's them! But I also agree with you that if you could have seen what they'd written, you'd have been able to flag it straight away.
In another role, I often read (or try to read the generally appalling handwriting!) forms completed by GPs, where it's obvious that they sometimes tick yes when they mean no or vice versa - error is obvious by the fact that they write something after the yes / no box. In so many cases, it would help if they filled in form with patient present, as a proof reader.

However, I can think of other cases where a GP needs to give a statement that means the patient should loose their driving licence, where it would be better for the decision to be informed by DVLA.

Worth a complaint to practice manager in this case, though, where an error / slip of the pen has caused such distress / inconvenience / extra work by patient, DVLA etc.
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