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Surely the only real self test for driving is reading a number plate at 60 feet? Also I have retinopathy and am being offered a vitrectomy, what was it like, was it a last resort or just a better option to lasering?Hello,
I've had proliferative retinopathy off / on for nearly 8 years now, still driving despite a fair bit of laser & a vitrectomy op on one eye. From what I recall, you do need to inform the dvla, & will need to do a visual field test - they don't stop you driving in the meantime but the onus is on you to be sure it's not affected your vision too much (horribly grey advice I know! The analogy they used with me was that you use your judgement with over the counter meds, flu, fatigue etc & whether you are still fit to drive, same principle applies).
I still have a 3 yr licence & when it's up for renewal & I have to redo the visual field test - it's not too bad, you sit forward into a kind of booth & press a button when you see a dot - too many / few & you fail, I am sure there is a margin to allow for a less than 100% success rate though. If your lasering is towards the periphery of your eye, you should be fine. There's quite a bit of advice (if i recall rightly) on the dvla website. Not every optician can do the vf test as they have to be registered & have the right kit etc. I seem to remember the dvla send you a list of options in your local area.
Retinopathy sucks, & I know how terrifying the thought of losing independence is. My eyes were stable for a bit but the darned ret is back...but the bottom line is that ultimately I have no wish to hurt myself or anyone else through a driving accident, so I just have to take each day as it is & accept it if it does het to the stage where I shouldn't drive. My real nemesis when it comes to eye bleeds is spreadsheets, but that's a whole other saga!
Chin up, & remember the lasering should preserve ypur sight - without it, you 'will' go blind; with it, assuming they are able to nip the retinopathy in the bud, you should be able to enjoy many more years of happy (& safe) motoring.
Hope that helps!
Best wishes, Twitchy.
Surely the only real self test for driving is reading a number plate at 60 feet? Also I have retinopathy and am being offered a vitrectomy, what was it like, was it a last resort or just a better option to lasering?
2 years ago I suffered from charcot foot I've just started to learn to walk again, but I have lost my peripheral vision my driving licence and my job I was a car mechanic and a MOT tester I was told the other day due that and I am 57 the only work that I will get is to volunteer work.