DVLA Licence Renewals

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Steve Cocker

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've just received my new driving licence which as a type 1 needs renewing every 3 years. This one has my signature as before, but it is so small you can only just read it. Has anyone else had the same issue. The DVLA have advised me that it is still valid though but is just seems really odd.
I can't say I paid any attention to my signature on my driving license.
If your communication with the DVLA about this was in writing, could you print a copy of the conversation to keep with your driving license?
Mine is just the same @Steve Cocker I must say it has never bothered me so I've just carried on as usual.
This is a pet peeve of my partner and I believe it happens with all ID driving licences because my partner doesn't have a medically restricted licence. They are reproducing a reduced size copy of your signature and he considers this a forgery or at least a misrepresentation of his signature, because it isn't his actual signature or even a photocopy of it. I am not sure how legal it actually is, compared to the paper copy we used to sign ourselves.
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