Duk want to hear our experiences

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Senior Member
Diabetes UK is looking for people with diabetes to share their experiences of supported self-management to help with our campaign for World Diabetes Day (14 November).

As 95 per cent of diabetes care is through self-management, this key issue is one of Diabetes UK?s priorities. It is about enabling people with diabetes to have the confidence and skills to better manage their lives with diabetes.


Just in case anyone hasn't seen this and is interested
Thanks for that, looks interesting. Think I may contact them to see if I can get involved.
I'm not sure what my involvement is with DUK any more. They still haven't taken my direct debit for renewal, or sent me a letter ot anything and it was due on 25th June. Perhaps I've been blacklisted from Balance by The Nurse's cronies!😱
maybe they are giving you a freebe for ignoring your poems and printing her drivel northerner lol
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