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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Whilst researching the complex regulations regarding the personal importation of drugs and medicines into the UAE (for which there are extreme penalties) I was surprised to discover that the Freestyle Blood Glucose Monitoring System is No. 71 on the list of unauthorized medicines.

I simply cannot understand why this particular method of controlling blood glucose levels should have attracted a ban.

Does anyone know why?
Daughter goes to that god forsaken place. Well both do. I hate it when they go because of the horror stories. Why is this meter on list. Because they can end of.
Hi @twojags , I live in Dubai. And while I can totally understand the restrictions for some strong medications, generally if you have an approval letter from your doctor then they're accepted. But like you, I can't understand why a glucose monitoring system is banned. Are you planning a visit? If you need any help on anything Dubai-related, feel free to give me a shout.

@Hepato-pancreato , there's usually more to any given subject than the sensationalism reported in the UK media 😉 and Dubai is no exception. It's an extremely safe place to live or visit, even for drunken Brits abroad, of which there any many! I'm not being argumentative, I'm just hoping that I can perhaps put your mind at rest for when your daughter next visits. I worry far more about the safety of my loved ones back in the UK than I do about anyone here.
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