Dual Wave suggestions

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
This past week we have been really trying to get our heads around the dual wave option and have had some good and some not so good results. Have been writing everything down but at the moment not really got our heads around whether to amend the ratios or the time. The main thing we are trying to improve is spikes around 1/2 hour to and hour after eating, particularly after breakfast. I know this is different for everyone but just wondered what works for other people. Maybe we dont need to split for breakfast and up fromt insulin is the best we can hope for. Any suggestions would be great.

It has been trial and error for us but the thing that has had the biggest impact against the spike is to deliver the bolus a good 15-20mins before eating breakfast, so having a good idea of exactly what you are going to eat.

On average we use a dual wave of 75/25 over an hour, this works with most cereals, we don't get many spikes at all now. Cereals seem to be fairly fast acting so I would suggest a larger proportion up front if you use the dual wave. 🙂
Thanks for that, have never tried doing the bolus before but can see it makes sense. Certainly worth a go.
I could not use a DW at breakfast, precisely because my levels at 1-2 hours are the challenge. Im another that needs to dose up front, certainly at breakfast. 20-30 minutes is the norm, with the full bolus. But even this has not been quite right. I've added a shortish and fairly severe TBR on rising (150-180% for an hour or two) which seems to be improving things, but I'm not sure I've got a real 'system' working yet.
I love the "Dual Wave" function on my pump. I dont use it all the time. Deppends what i am doing & what eating. But is another trick 😱
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