DSN Visit Tomorrow..Oh God!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Finally plucked up the courage to go visit my DSN tomorrow mainly due to the fact I'm on holiday, but, I know I'm in for a bit of a telling off for being less than clever about my control of the BS.
(Hmm... should that be blood sugar or bullsh1t?) 😱
Procrastination is a wonderful thing, "honest Nurse this big boy came along and kept forcing me to eat" And for those of you old enough to remember, "It was the one armed man!" (he forced me to eat all that chocloate, biscuits, cakes......you get my drift) I still don't know how I've managed to get down to 15st 1lb after creeping up to 15st 8lb 😱
No doubt the numbers will be off the scale, oh well, I need to get my addiction under control again and no doubt I will be majorly embarrassed at being taken down a peg by a wee lassie who's young enough to be my daughter, oh the ignomy of it all. 😱😱
I am truely ashamed!....... as well as being an idiot!
No one to blame but myself and my personal weakness.
Hmmmm...... wonder if they could hypnotise me to make me behave?
Right, enough of this flim flam, DSN here I come! (Mummy.................!)
Jimbo stay calm and hope the appt all goes well, if she tells you off listen to her they do sometimes talk sense hehe x
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Jimbo stay clam and hope the appt all goes well, if she tells you off listen to her they do sometimes talk sense hehe x

I know Steffie, I'm just so embarrassed 'cos I've been a prat and not been looking after myself properly. So many people helping me and it's like I've just thrown it back in their face. 😱
I need to be good! 😛

Be honest and say I'm struggling with it all! See what she come up with for extra support...

It's not easy changing a lifestyle more so when the lifestyle we're changing we were quite happy with... Sometimes we've got to just chip away at changing little at a time..

Good luck for tomorrow
good luck jimbo ..you might be pleasantly surprised !!🙂
good luck, let us know how it goes 🙂
Hope all goes well today Jimbo.
Best of luck Jimbo - hope she's nice! 🙂
Update on DSN Visit.

Well I went and.... she was so nice! She didn't give me pelters like I was expecting, she was supportive, so much so that now I feel daft now for getting into a state over nothing. (Yea, guilty conscience more like).
So I will get the results on monday for the bloods and urine tests and she will give me a phone and let me know the what numbers are and if there is any bad news.
Nurse also explained that D evolves and that could explain my constant craving for any foodstuffs sweet or otherwise and my almost unquenchable thirst. Without detailed evidence, and it was only an educated diagnoses on her part, she thinks that the D could have reached a stage that needs to be medicated now instead of just diet and execise on my part.
She was pleased at my level of exercise and the fact that my BP was only130/84 despite completing a three mile march ( I don't walk, I march says my wife) :D on my way to see her. My last BP was 116/80 and that was after getting a lift round to the clinic and a gentle walk of one hundred yards, (oops showing my age there, sorry metres),so it shows a good improvement she said.
My weight is only 3lb heavier than when she last seen me and at that point I had just got out of hospital after my RTA. I was honest and told her that I had crept back up to 15st 8lb but had managed to get back down again to 15st 1lb, but that I was now struggling to cope with my constant cravings for food and drink. (Honesty being the best policy, eh Steffie?).
She then went on to tell me that I shouldn't be so hard on myself and I was certainly not the worst case senario she sees, I had to watch what I'm doing for sure, but, not to get myself down over it, "you can only do the best you can".
So now we wait for monday, at least now I don't feel so bad, mainly down to the support and encouragement that I get from all you guys and now from my lovely DSN.
Thank you all, very very much!
Big (((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))) !!!

PS Thank you too, Ellie, for the good advice, being up front and telling the whole story got it all off my chest and helped me help the DSN deal with it.
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Hey Jimbo pleased you were honest, good luck for Monday she sounds like a really supportive DSN, and of course you know already, if your struggling come in the weight loss thread and ask us for tips or anything we can do to help just ask x
brilliant post jimbo ...told you you might be pleasently surprised ...good luck for monday and WELLL DONE !
Glad you are feeling a lot more possitive after you'll appointment, see honesty is always the best policy as it leads to a greater sucess..

And I bet your BP will be down next time, because you won't be so anxious about the appointment...

Well done as it isn't easy saying I'm struggling by a long shot..

Hope the test results come back well..
Glad you are feeling a lot more possitive after you'll appointment, see honesty is always the best policy as it leads to a greater sucess..

And I bet your BP will be down next time, because you won't be so anxious about the appointment...

Well done as it isn't easy saying I'm struggling by a long shot..

Hope the test results come back well..

I have always been a great believer in "honesty is always the best policy" Ellie, the main reason for the BP being a little higher was the three mile power walk to the Doctors Surgery, I think. 😉 The DSN was not bothered by it at all.
Admitting to not managing very well was more embarrassing than anything for me. However I do feel better for unburdening myself of the guilt of being less than perfect in my control of the D. Onwards and upwards now (I hope). :D

Thanks again!
Hi Jimbo, so pleased it went well and good luck for results on Monday.
I had to 'be honest' with PT yesterday and was dreading it, but it all worked out well. and now feel fresh for the next month ahead.

A really good post Jimbo.
I wish my memory would hurry up and get better, I totally forgot to mention the DSN was good enough to give me my flu jab while I was in as well, so that's one less thing to worry about until next year.
Guess I was too excited about being treated really nicely, instead of the pelters I was expecting. 😱
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