DSN visit on Monday.(revisited)

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Right I did say I would do a thread and report back what happened at my appointment with the DSN on Monday well now i feel ready enough to talk about it here goes..

Firsly i get there at 13.15 my appointment is at 13.30 I show the lady at the desk my appointment letter and she says oh my god is that today we forgot you where coming the room you use is being used by decorators so that got me abit upset to start with and i had not even sat down with DSN lol, then around the corner comes this guy i had seen him last time paul his name was but i thought i was just seeing him the once as my regular lady was ill but no he is now my regular DSN grr.So we sit down and have a general chit chat and all is going well he asks me what my hbA1c and i said funnily enough the result should be in do you want me to go and check he said sure so i went to see the receptionist she said right stephanie i cant tell you your result as doc is yet to see it yet and it remains closed but i can tell you it says high and you need to chat to the doctor ( at first i didnt think on but when i got home my other half said she should not be allowed to do that she is only the receptionist) anyway i said should i book an appointment with him then she said well nobody is here at the minute and doctor is on leave i said ahh ok she said ring in tomorrow at 1 fair enought and off i went back to DSN, he asks me about my blood sugars and then i just break down first time for me crying in fromt of a guy its unkown but hay ho he was great, BUT to cut it short well shorter my mate goes to the same surgery but is with another practice well she rings me up and says guess who i have just seen at the surgery your doctor and he was seeing patcients, i said how the the hell can he be i was just told 2 hours ago he was on leave work that out guys? .Anways all in all my hbA1c came back as 7.3 which is down from 8.6 as we stand at the minute im seeing DN in April about going on injections.
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Good grief Steff, what a saga! A good number though, 7.3 is into the normal range isn't it?
steff cant believe there were so unorganised welldone on the hb1ac result 🙂
Thanks for letting us know Steff. I'm sorry there were so many mix-ups and such ineptitude in the handling of things. A 1.3% reduction in HbA1c is a terrific result - just a little more tweaking and you'll be down below the magical 6.5% I have no doubt! So, even if they didn't congratulate you, I will - well done!🙂

The receptionist shouldn't have commented, it is not her place to interpret results, but it is her place to make sure that the room needed for your appointment is free - tsk!

You have not received what I would consider professional care Steff. It sounds like the DSN did good, but I can understand you might feel uncomfortable talking about emotional stuff with a man. My GP is a woman, but there are some things I would feel awkward discussing with her even though she's a brilliant person.

Above all Steff, do not feel that you are at fault in any of this. You have worked extremely hard in getting to grips with your diabetes and given the poor support you have had I think you have done a terrific job🙂
Steff, thanks for being so up front with us.

I can only say that I echo what Alan said, you are on the right track
Well other half has got us an appointment with his GP for next Thursday , so i look forward to seeing how that goes, Northerner she has always been a dragon this receptionist, another case of a receptionist who wants to do a doctors job.Thank you for the well dones guys nice to hear some xx🙂
Well done Steff! Great A1c ... i gotta work on mine now! xxx
what is it with receptionists?! i had a right moaner the last two times i called for my kids repeat prescriptions...almost like i had the cheek to be ringing to see if yet another prescription was there! cheek.
Anyway ignore her, your result sounds fab, keep up the good stuff x
what is it with receptionists?! i had a right moaner the last two times i called for my kids repeat prescriptions...almost like i had the cheek to be ringing to see if yet another prescription was there! cheek.
Anyway ignore her, your result sounds fab, keep up the good stuff x

Thanks both , Jimmysmum they get beyond there station hun they think they are the doctor or trying to be at least.
What a palaver. The receptionist is a pain and as for the doctor being on leave and not on leave, is he a twin?. I hope you get this place sorted soon...
Well done on that results Steff - that's great news. Hope all goes well at the new surgery too.
Really well done on the result Steff, that is a great reduction. Your Doctor's really does sound like a madhouse
Well done Steff, that's really come down well. keep up the good work.
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