dry skin...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In the past year or so I have suffered from dry skin (mostly my hands) and it's really irritating. It's not usually so dry it's painful and cracked... my hands just constantly feel dry. I moisturise all the time using Aqueous cream.

My overall HbA1c is a bit high at the moment and my blood glucose level is usually a bit high when I test (i'm working on it!!). I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem? because I believe it is to do with diabetes, but my diabetes nurse didn't seem to think it was...
Hi Katie

Ive been wondering the same as Ive been getting dry hands recently but then I always do as i have eczeme, but they have been getting really cold lately and hurt and as i've never had that before I can only put it down to diabetes as this is my first winter being one. I know that this might sound strange but if diabetic ladies can bet thrush often then why cant other things happen as well. Ive been getting a really sore belly button and dont know if that's due to diabetes or not. Will have to ask diabetic nurse when I next see her.

Hope I've helped.
Thanks Ann, I will mention it again next time I go.

I just checked and apparently you can get thrush in areas like your belly button. So if you have been suffering with thrush recently I guess it could be this?

I think these little things are way more annoying than just diabetes on it's own! 😡
it's been the coldest winter for a while

Don't forget, it's been colder earlier this year than for a few years. I've been breaking our ducks' water every morning for ages. But no worsening in state of dry skin - I always use hand cream on hands & feet after my bath at night.
I get very dry hands, it's horrible and I think they look horrible when they are so dry like they are now. I blame it on washing my hands so often and using alcohol gel all the time. I use different handcreams, and think that the best i used was vaseline sos or something like that, need to try and get some more.
Some people say that you shouldn't use aqeuous cream directly onto the skin as it's too harsh and should only use it as an emolient maybe it's irritating your hands Katie?
Thanks Katie for your advice, there you were looking for advice and you've managed to advice me, thank you so much I think a trip to my GP might be in order.
Is it really important to moisturise feet? I never do it as i hate the feeling of it on my feet!! And the top of my toes are sore recently - they feel weird when i press down on them on my right foot!! I moisturise my hands everyday.
Thanks Katie for your advice, there you were looking for advice and you've managed to advice me, thank you so much I think a trip to my GP might be in order.

hehe that's alright, glad I could help 🙂
I get very dry hands, it's horrible and I think they look horrible when they are so dry like they are now. I blame it on washing my hands so often and using alcohol gel all the time. I use different handcreams, and think that the best i used was vaseline sos or something like that, need to try and get some more.
Some people say that you shouldn't use aqeuous cream directly onto the skin as it's too harsh and should only use it as an emolient maybe it's irritating your hands Katie?

To be honest that is just what i'm using at the moment. Before that I was using the vaseline one - that stuff is really good, it seems pretty similar to aqueous cream. I know the dry hands has nothing to do with the cold because they have been like this all through summer as well :(

My nan was advised to buy a type of nipple cream for her hands by a pharmacist. I might try this stuff because she said it really worked. I will let you guys know what it's called and if it works for me!
My understanding is high blood glucose leads to dehydration, and that causes dry skin. So I would say in my opinion it may well be diabetes related especially as your BG's been high.

Drink plenty and moisturise lots Katie, hopefully it'll get better soon.
for my son i use diprobase in the big 500gr tub
thanks guys, I know for a fact I don't drink enough water so I will try to improve on that as well as getting good bg levels.

Grahams mum, do you find that he gets dry skin because of diabetes?
We have a variety of moisturisers here for every part of the body. The best seems to be Neutrogenia. The blurb on the tube says it is used by Norwegian fisherment!

My skin has alaways been very dry. When I bath I have to avoid scented things so end up with things like simple soap or even for a while baby soap. I also avoid things like astringent after cleansing as that drys skin even more and anything alcohol based.(some perfumes are alcohol based)

When you do washing up or hanging washing, or anything wet other than keeping clean, try wearing rubber gloves, they help, and get a pair of cotton or linenen gloves, apply a generous ammount of hand cream before getting in bed and put the gloves on.

Everyone looses a certain ammount of moisture through their skin any way and it seems worse when it is cold
thanks guys, I know for a fact I don't drink enough water so I will try to improve on that as well as getting good bg levels.

Grahams mum, do you find that he gets dry skin because of diabetes?

hi i am sure is diabetes bcause my son never had any skin problems even if is lactose intollerant since is been diagnosed he is got very dry skin especially in winter on his feet as well
is diprobase avaliable over the counter? I prefer E45 usually as it rubs in better

i think is only on prescription but i am not sure because is used for eczema are you not exempt because of diabetes/ my son got it on his repeat prescription
i think is only on prescription but i am not sure because is used for eczema are you not exempt because of diabetes/ my son got it on his repeat prescription

I would be exempt if I wanted it yes. We use it alot at work and I find that it doesn't rub in that well and needs time to soak into the skin properly, but it does work well.
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