Dry mouth, continually blocked nose and worsening dry eyes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My mouth has been almost constantly dry for several months despite drinking loads of sugar free liquid and passing water normally. For about four months I've been having to use a sinus spray twice a day because of how blocked my nose is getting. In addition my dry eyes have got much worse in the last week or so so that I've been having to use very good dry eye drops (Thealoz duo) every hour or two and I am also massaging and wiping my eyes. Blood sugars are 90% under 10 although I am having to use much more insulin to keep them at those levels. jHBA1C mid February was 6.6 I haven't changed anything in the house eg washing powder etc. I just wonder if anyone had any thoughts about what could be causing the combination of mouth, nose and eye issues.
This is the start of the hay fever season for people who are allergic to tree pollen so it could be that. If you can take antihistamines that might help. If your nose is blocked you will be tending to breathe through your mouth so more inclined to be dry.
Have you tried a menthol inhaler like putting Vicks into hot water in a bowl and breathing in the vapours to clear your nose.
I don't have eye problems or dry mouth, but I have had allergic rhinitis for more than 50 years, and I use a steroid nasal spray and prescription only antihistamines. My nasal symptoms vary from being blocked to pouring like a tap. I don't tend to get symptoms at the typical hay fever times.
Have you tried changing your sinus spray.
If that is the only thing that has changed it is possible that continuous use over months may be the source of your problem.
Could it be how you’re sleeping eg mouth-breathing? Issues with the salivary glands can also cause a dry mouth, and any sinus/catarrh problem can cause a dry, unpleasant feeling in the mouth too.
Thank you everyone. I’ve just discussed it all with a GP - didn’t expect to get an appointment today when I only phoned them this morning. GP wants to refer me to rheumatology due to combination of the areas affected and how long they’ve lasted. Thankfully I can breathe through my nose ok within a few minutes of sinus spray so that’s not causing the dry mouth.
Have you started on any new medication? I’m convinced my extremely dry mouth is due to all the tablets I take. It’s been so much worse lately as I’ve had yet another chest infection ( 2nd so far this year) and cough and although don’t have sinus problems this time, I sure it’s all the “gunk” ( TMI) that’s still coming up five weeks on. I agree it’s awful and no matter how much I drink it’s no better. Hope you get an answer.
Have you started on any new medication? I’m convinced my extremely dry mouth is due to all the tablets I take. It’s been so much worse lately as I’ve had yet another chest infection ( 2nd so far this year) and cough and although don’t have sinus problems this time, I sure it’s all the “gunk” ( TMI) that’s still coming up five weeks on. I agree it’s awful and no matter how much I drink it’s no better. Hope you get an answer.
Thank you EggyG but no change in medication for at least a year. I’m sorry that you’ve been suffering so much. I hope that things improve for you xx
Many years ago I lost my sense of taste and smell, everything other than sweet things tasted vile, my nose was either constantly running like a tap or blocked so I couldn't breathe, this followed a viral infection (and possibly smoking some illegal substance in Amsterdam), I was taking antihistamines like there was no tomorrow so paid to see a specialist who basically said it would probably go in time, he prescribed a different nasal spray which helped and enabled me to reduce the antihistamines to a normal dose. It eventually went away thank goodness.
Many years ago I lost my sense of taste and smell, everything other than sweet things tasted vile, my nose was either constantly running like a tap or blocked so I couldn't breathe, this followed a viral infection (and possibly smoking some illegal substance in Amsterdam), I was taking antihistamines like there was no tomorrow so paid to see a specialist who basically said it would probably go in time, he prescribed a different nasal spray which helped and enabled me to reduce the antihistamines to a normal dose. It eventually went away thank goodness.
That sounds horrible but I did laugh when you said about the illegal substances 🙂 I’m glad it eventually went away.
Try turning your heating off or down and putting some water around the different rooms so the air has a bit more moisture in it.
Thank you Sue
(and possibly smoking some illegal substance in Amsterdam)
I mean technically not illegal over there so you are all good :rofl:

good luck with getting to the bottom of things with the referral @AJLang
Ooh my son works at an a and e department, always wearing a mask and has trouble with his nose so started using a nose spray. Ended up going to the docs who said if used for too long they can make things worse so he ended up on a course of steroids. Good luck in getting it sorted.
As you take an awful lot of different drugs I would also suspect they could be an added cause of your problems.
My Mum has problems with dryness due to some of the drugs she is on.
Thank you very much everyone. I will now leave it for rheumatology to review and their suggestions.
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