Dry mouth at night / mornings

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In the last week or so I have been waking up several time in the early hours with an incredibly dry mouth and an urgent need to urinate and rinse my mouth with water.

I tested this morning at 3am and it was 6.0. I even did a control solution test and that was right in the middle of the range.

Any ideas?
I find in the summer I get very dry in the night, and often need to get up to use the bathroom. It cold be the hot weather, but if you are worried about it, there is no harm in talking to the doc. It is always wise to keep fluids up, even if they do make you pee more, it helps to flush the system out.

Another possible cause, although I'm not sure why it would make you thirsty now and not before, do you snore? Personally I am getting over a throat infection which was making me more thirsty than normal during the night. A course of antibiotics has sorted it out.
Hi Brightontez,

It may be down to the weather and you have become dehydrated during the course of the day.
Nathan has been having the same problem over the past couple of weeks.
I'm not sure if you take medicaton for your diabetes or any other medication, sometimes this can lead to an increased thirst etc.
Have you been eating anything more spicey or saltey recentley

Thanks for your replies.

I have a fan in the bedroom that keeps me cool at night. I rarely use salt and hardly eat anything spicy. The other half has said my snoring is far less than it has been in ages, due to my weight loss.

I feel like a goldfish and can't get enough water in me. I've laid right off alcohol too.

I think I'll do some more frequent BG tests to see if there are any spikes.

I'll see the doctors tomorrow morning. I'll be there at 8am to beat the dreaded telephone appointment system.
yes tez i live by my fan it is a mini one and goes to work me me and everything, i would say last 4 days in particular i have had to get up at least twice and go and have a drink of water i just put it down to the weather
does anybody else notice if they have dry cuticles?
Each night I have woken many times with a very dry mouth for ages now. I have to take a bottle of water to bed and take a few sips. I have always put it down to the medication. I maybe wrong of course!
Hi tez, hope the doc can help. It may be something that's not related to diabetes at all - I know I have myself often thought 'Oh, that's the diabetes' then remembered that non-diabetics get problems too! Hoep you are feeling better soon 🙂
I've seen the doctor. She can't find the reason why it's happening.

She did a urine test and checked my neck and throat.

The advice she gave was to increase the humidity in the bedroom by putting a glass or bowl of water next to the bed.

If there's no improvement in a week I've got to go back again.

We discussed my diabetes and she's really happy with my numbers and hopefully when I get my next HbA1c results the Metformin will be reduced. (Have a look at the One Liners thread.)
just remember tez not to drink the said bowl or glass of water in the morning!!!!! eeewwwwwwwwwww not nice 😉
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