Dry eye breakthrough

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi all, I suffer with dry eyes quite a bit, this leaves me sensitive to light, gritty tired feeling, blurry vision etc. I have heard quite a few others on here say they suffer also so thought I would share my solution which may or may not help others depending on the cause of their dry eye. I have tried all the drops taken supplements of fish oil etc and I’ve have gotten little relief. After doing a considerable amount of research I found out that most dry eyes were cause by

Meibomian Gland dysfunction​

Sorry for the big letters, had to copy and paste for spelling lol.

Im pretty sure this is the problem with me, the treatment is to put a hot compress on the eyes (I have a plug in eye mask) and massage the eye. See there are loads of little oil glands on top and bottom lids and these get blocked. I’ve been doing this for a couple of days and you would not believe how much stuff has been coming out of these glands gross but totally satisfying! I am typing this without squinting and the gritty feeling has virtually gone. Apparently this treatment needs to be maintained, hot compress a couple of times a day for 10 minutes at a time, followed by a light eye massage (kind of as if you were wiping mascara off) after just a couple of days the difference is dramatic. There are plenty of videos online for

Meibomian Gland expression​

If anybody thinks they may have a similar problem hopefully this can help somebody else xx
And this is an excellent example of why this forum is so good. Everybody helps everyone by sharing successes (and failures) and experience.

Great stuff
And this is an excellent example of why this forum is so good. Everybody helps everyone by sharing successes (and failures) and experience.

Great stuff
Thanks ! It’s one of those things where I thought wow… wish I’d of known this sooner could of saved myself some misery . I will just add for anybody interested that I didn’t see anything happening immediately following the massages but in the hours after my eyes went very cloudy and that’s when I noticed all this stuff in my eyes. See the tears need oil to create a healthy tear and when the ducts are blocked the oil can’t get through that’s where the gritty feelings come from. If the ducts have been blocked then the oil will be are rather thick consistency when expressed and cause a film over the eye, so don’t do it before driving (as I did) there are also wipes you can get for this condition to use morning and night. I’m a bugger for sleeping in makeup and I also have my lashes lifted (using glue aghhh) won’t be doing that any longer.
I was just going to mention that it was a reminder to take make up off! There’s a gross pic online of a lady who always left her mascara on at night 😱

I’m glad you’ve found a solution @EmmaL76 xx
Hi all, I suffer with dry eyes quite a bit, this leaves me sensitive to light, gritty tired feeling, blurry vision etc. I have heard quite a few others on here say they suffer also so thought I would share my solution which may or may not help others depending on the cause of their dry eye. I have tried all the drops taken supplements of fish oil etc and I’ve have gotten little relief. After doing a considerable amount of research I found out that most dry eyes were cause by

Meibomian Gland dysfunction​

Sorry for the big letters, had to copy and paste for spelling lol.

Im pretty sure this is the problem with me, the treatment is to put a hot compress on the eyes (I have a plug in eye mask) and massage the eye. See there are loads of little oil glands on top and bottom lids and these get blocked. I’ve been doing this for a couple of days and you would not believe how much stuff has been coming out of these glands gross but totally satisfying! I am typing this without squinting and the gritty feeling has virtually gone. Apparently this treatment needs to be maintained, hot compress a couple of times a day for 10 minutes at a time, followed by a light eye massage (kind of as if you were wiping mascara off) after just a couple of days the difference is dramatic. There are plenty of videos online for

Meibomian Gland expression​

If anybody thinks they may have a similar problem hopefully this can help somebody else xx
Thanks for that. I have an appointment with ophthalmologist next week, will throw this into the discussion.
Thanks for that. I have an appointment with ophthalmologist next week, will throw this into the discussion.
Yes do! I’ve had a couple of appointments regarding my eyes and I’m surprised it’s never been suggested to me considering how common it apparently is. Interesting to see what yours has to say
I use a CPAP machine and when I need a new elastic bit for it the air escapes and makes my eyes cold - and then I start to have trouble with my eyes - I bet that this would sort out that problem until I can get a new strap.
Yes do! I’ve had a couple of appointments regarding my eyes and I’m surprised it’s never been suggested to me considering how common it apparently is. Interesting to see what yours has to say
So yes, opthalmologist reckons this is the cause of my dry eyes - "anterior blepharitis" caused by blockage of meibomian glands. Apparently it's really common.
So glad you got some answers, what treatment plan has he suggested going forward ?
So glad you got some answers, what treatment plan has he suggested going forward ?
Just simple self-care: massage eyelids; in the morning, clean with warm water with a pinch of bicarbonate; twice a day, a warm compress to the eyelid margins for a few mintures.
Ooh bicarbonate not heard of that one. Will give it a try. I will say don’t be put off if you eyes feel a little more uncomfortable as they start to unclog. Also another top tip, after the warm compress treatment blink ridiculously hard about 10 times this encourages the oil secretion which flows much easier when they are nice and warm.
Just simple self-care: massage eyelids; in the morning, clean with warm water with a pinch of bicarbonate; twice a day, a warm compress to the eyelid margins for a few mintures.
You can get specific wipes but they are ridiculously expensive so if the bicarb works that is as cheap as chips.
I've been doing this hot compress for years, I have severe dry eye.
I have 2 punctal plugs in lower lids and Punctal Cauterized top lids.

This message method can be very beneficial too.
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