Dropping like a stone...

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, in a repeat of my former experience ( http://www.diabetessupport.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?t=1011 ) I'm currently shovelling jelly babies down my neck after injecting my lantus just over half an hour ago. I was 4.9 then and had a snack (peanut butter on bread) then a reduced dose of 13 lantus after my fasting levels have been dropping lately. Now, after feeling low whilst reading the forum and testing, I find that I'm 2.8! Feeling a little woozy, but will test again in 15 mins to see if the jelly babies are kicking in. Lantus isn't supposed to be fast-acting grrrr!!!😱
Oh no. Ur really havin a rough time wi the low sugars. Let us know ur ok.
Oh no. Ur really havin a rough time wi the low sugars. Let us know ur ok.

Will do - perhaps I should have had a maltesers egg!🙂 I've even had a very reduced novorapid with my evening meal because I was 2.8 before that, so was surprised to be 4.9 before bed - thought I'd be much higher.:confused:
I have no idea. But if I were u I would speak to my team tomoro cos u seem to be havin lots of unexplained low sugars. Maltesers egg may be good call! Tasted great. 😛
Just tested again and I'm up to 3.7, so heading back in the right direction. I'm guessing that the bread and peanut butter will be slow digesting because of the fat content (that's why I have it at night, to see me through!), so I don't think I'll need any extra slow-carbs. Might have to force a couple more jelly babies down though...!
I've just read your last night's posts, Northerner, How are you this morning ? If you're still not "in control" will you speak to your Diabetes Team please.
Hope you are OK and were able to speak to your care team.
Thanks everyone. I woke at 5.0 this morning after a somewhat restless night. I looked back in my diary for the last time this happened and it seems my sugars were OK the day following so we'll see how things go today. You'd think that, if the lantus had a huge spike half an hour after taking it last night then there wouldn't be enough to stretch through to this evening, but that didn't seem to happen last time.
You probably think we're sounding like "old mother hens" going on at you like this - but it's only because we are concerned about each other ! Hope all is going better today.
Hi Northerner,

If this was happening to Alex - i would be contacting his team this morning! Perhaps you need to change your ratios or reduce your lantus by a large amount - either way i think you need some 'expert' advice! Unless of course you have 'reversed' your diagnosis of diabetes! Let us know if you do contact your team? Bev
You probably think we're sounding like "old mother hens" going on at you like this - but it's only because we are concerned about each other ! Hope all is going better today.

Not in the least - it's nice to know that there are people out there that I can talk to who understand, so thank you!🙂
Hi Northerner,

If this was happening to Alex - i would be contacting his team this morning! Perhaps you need to change your ratios or reduce your lantus by a large amount - either way i think you need some 'expert' advice! Unless of course you have 'reversed' your diagnosis of diabetes! Let us know if you do contact your team? Bev

I don't think this is related to my general redcution in insulin, bev, as I have been keeping more or less just ahead of that by reducing a unit at a time over the past week. Each time I wake with a reading below or around 4.0 I've been reducing, so have'nt really fallen into problems - just the occasional afternoon hypo. Last night was similar to what happened a month ago where I dropped very quickly 30 minutes after taking my 'slow'🙄 lantus. This is different to my normal hypo experience - usually I feel a gradual fall in BG, not a rapid one. If it happens tonight I'll definitely give them a call. In fact, I've been thinking of booking an appointment with the DSN to see if I'm cured/discuss what's been going on.🙂
you mentioned on another thread that you are drinking more alcohol than when nemly diagnosed. i wonder if this could be the culprit for some of the lows you are having?

seems like you need to keep reducing your insulin until you eliminate the hypo's. if you had an A1c done now it might be low 5's!
, I've been thinking of booking an appointment with the DSN to see if I'm cured/discuss what's been going on.🙂

Good idea, I wouldn't say cured but I have heard of people being able to go off insulin completley for a while, or manage on basal only until their pancreas finally dies.
it might be worth getting a c-peptide done to see if you are making a significant amount of insulin.
Hey Northerner,

Hope that you're OK now. Perhaps a drop in your lantus/levemir? Do you do split doses? If you did then you would, going on my experiences want to lower the morning dose of long acting insulin.

Tom H
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you mentioned on another thread that you are drinking more alcohol than when nemly diagnosed. i wonder if this could be the culprit for some of the lows you are having?

seems like you need to keep reducing your insulin until you eliminate the hypo's. if you had an A1c done now it might be low 5's!

It's relative, really. Before diagnosis I could easily drink 150 units in a week, week after week. After diagnosis I didn't drink at all for months. Recently, I've had a few days where I might have had betwen 3-5 units, but generally in the afternoon, sat out in the garden, and eliminated from my system long before bed, so whilst it may have had some influence some days, it can't account for the general reduction by around 30% that I've had recently.

My last A1c was 5.4 - I might even dip under 5 if I had one now! My BG monitor software gives an average of 5.1 over the past couple of weeks!
Hi Northerner, could it have something to do with where you injected? I know I've had problems with novorapid before when I accidentally hit a blood vessel and it's kicked it far faster than I expected. The only other thing I can think of is hot baths/showers - they've definitely affected my lantus before (although not quite to the extent you're seeing!)
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