Driving renewal forms

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've been asked to fill in renewal driving form on paper as for some reason DVLA can't verify me online. Can't understand why as I've given them passport, driving license etc.
Anyway, they've sent me a D1 green form & paper DIAB1 form. Do i fill in both or just the DIAB1 form? They literally sent no info. Was told i didn't need to send a photo but the D1 form says i do.
I've enclosed both forms if it helps.


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Well I'd fill in both forms (there's more info about you on the D1 so they should be able to cross check that with such info they have already) but not send another photo - and hope that does the trick.

Some such things are potty. Husband renewing his passport with new photo the other year and they chucked the photo out because his eyes were too close together. Both the old and new photos when applied to the template (which the photographers use for every one they take and it was the same photographer with the same camera in the same shop for both) showed both eyes in exactly the same places on it!

Far as anyone knows it is not possible to alter your face - naturally - like that !
I filled in mine online just over a week ago. The hoo-ha to get verified took far more time than filling the form in. 3 years ago when I previously did it online we had both got verified via Experian, that is now not recognised, so we had to do it all over again via the Post Office. I thought the links to do that were quite self-explanatory?

I think I might have screwed it up though anyway. When they asked if I'd had any waking hypos I said "No" thinking that they meant assisted hypos. If they do bother to check with anyone then they may discover I have had some hypos. Just ordinary ones though, I've never had to have any assistance.
I filled in mine online just over a week ago. The hoo-ha to get verified took far more time than filling the form in. 3 years ago when I previously did it online we had both got verified via Experian, that is now not recognised, so we had to do it all over again via the Post Office. I thought the links to do that were quite self-explanatory?

I think I might have screwed it up though anyway. When they asked if I'd had any waking hypos I said "No" thinking that they meant assisted hypos. If they do bother to check with anyone then they may discover I have had some hypos. Just ordinary ones though, I've never had to have any assistance.
I agree it was easy to fill in. The hardest part was getting my driving license validated. It wouldn't recognise it which is ironic considering its the DVLA. Took my passport ok. So they sent me paper forms.
I chose to go the paper route. the 3rd party verification just seemed weird and a bit inexplicable to me, especially as I have a government ID for tax and various things.

Not sure what the situation is with delay-time and backlog at the DVLA at the moment - we have had some members whose renewals were significantly delayed, and others whose renewals have gone more or less straight through.

Hope you get a speedy and hassle-free renewal 🙂
I filled in all the paper forms - both of them - on 16 June and am still waiting. My friend has been waiting 6 months, and someone on here posted they had been waiting since April. DVLA website said my licence had expired - well yes, I know! So don't hold your breath, don't expect any feedback, don't expect the phone to be answered, don't expect emails to be replied to. In fact if you expect nothing you won't be disappointed! But cover yourself - keep copies of everything, send it registered/signed for and keep the Post Office form, get your GP's written consent to drive under Section 88, keep copies/records of all your attempts to contact DVLA (emails, records of phone calls). As you can gather I'm pretty frustrated with DVLA!!! 😡
It’s not the fault of the DVLA, they are doing their best with everyone doing the jobs that two people used to do. The level of staffing has been seriously affected by government cuts since 2010, and this is, unfortunately (like the NHS) what happens when you reach rock bottom in staffing. The ministers who make these decisions, are, of course driven around in official cars and have staff to carry out the details of normal life.
I'd quite like em all to be forced to take part in 'Rich house/Poor house' or whatever that TV prog was called. You know - to be forced to live on the same sort of budget in the same surroundings as the folk who they make the rules for, for about a month - and deal with whatever bills happen to be due. Wonder if they even know that people have to put money on the gas & elec cards regularly, if they want the use of either on an ongoing basis!
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