Driving and diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all, im learnin to drive the now and its goin pretty well, will be ready for my test soon :D

but just wondered if any of u's that drive have ever had a hypo while driving?

and do u always chek ur sugars before u drive ?

i have never had a hypo during my lessons but i guess im quite worried incase i ever do once i pass my test. i will be hesitant to take any passengers lol

did any of u ever feel like that?

To be safe it is better to check your bs before driving, but at the end of the day its your choice and depends how confident you are with it all. How well you feel a hypo coming on is also a big factor.

Always carry sugar in your car, its not fun if you realise you've run out. It also gives you some reasurance if you do go hypo you can pull over and sort yourself.

I've been driving for over 8 years and have never considered not taking passengers. However thats more a personal thing and i would think comes back to how confident you feel.

Good luck with your test and everything! 😉
Yes you should always test before driving.
I have never had a hypo while driving, in over 5 years since I passed my test. I always have glucotabs in my car.

I was nervous to take passengers when I first passed, but not because of diabetes but because of not being a very confident new driver for first few weeks.

Good luck with your test!
Id definately say test before driving. Even if you're confident that you have good warning signs I just don't think it's worth not testing as you just never know 100%. For the sake if a quick test you can be a bit more reassured about safety as well as protecting yourself legally too.
It's a legal requirement to test before you drive.
Also if you hypo whilst driving, you are expected to wait 45 mins before you continue your journey.
All this is in the paperwork sent to you when you applied for your licence.

Good luck with your lessons and test 🙂
my advice is to check before you set off and then half way along your journey (if it is a long one) re check. and always make sure you have some form of glucose in the car 🙂

good luck with the test and safe driving 😉
I always feel safer when someone is in car with me, but that probably cos im newly diagnosed. I always check before I drive, too scared of what will happen if I dont. Couldnt work without my car, its a 60 mile round trip for me to work.

Im currently waiting for my new licence to be sent to me. so I have all info at hand. The sheet reads as follows:
- Do not drive if feel hypoglycaemic or reading below 4mmol/l
- If hypo occurs move into passanger seat.
- Do not drive for 45 mins
- Always keep emergenct supplies of glucose and snacks in car
- Carry testing equipment with you
- Test every 2hrs on long journeys
- If below 5mmol/l have a snack
- Carry ID

Good Luck.
superb advice janine 🙂
To the testing before driving, if you look on the low side of your normal reading have a snack before you set off. I'm the belt and braces sort when it comes to driving. I've seen too many lives damaged and families split by road accidents.
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