Drinking fizzy pop for a month 'can lead to lifelong health problems?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sugary drinks can cause weight gain and long-term health problems if drunk regularly for as little as a month, according to scientists.
Too much fizzy pop or sweetened fruit juice alters the body?s metabolism, so that the muscles use sugar for energy, instead of burning fat, a study found.
The effect is long-term, making the pounds harder to shift and raising blood sugar levels, which increases the risk of conditions such as type 2 diabetes, it was claimed.
Dr Hans-Peter Kubis, who led the research at Bangor University, said: ?Our results give a stark warning against regularly drinking sugar-sweetened drinks.?
He added: ?Not only can regular sugar intake acutely change our body metabolism; in fact it seems that our muscles are able to sense the sugars and make our metabolism more inefficient, not only in the present but in the future as well.

In the study, 11 people in their twenties supplemented their diets with sugary soft drinks for a month.

Where do you find 11 twenty year olds that haven't been drinking sugary drinks for years? and don't reply Wales😛
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