drinking alcohol while on medication

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
can i ask is it ok to drink alcohol while taking metformin? reason i ask is because my husband is coming home today after being away for 3wks, hes a long distance lorry driver, we were planning on having a drink tonite but im abit scared of what it will do to me, should i skip my evening tablet? im not saying im going to get totaly drunk but if i did would i be doing myself alot of harm? im realy looking forward to seeing my hubby an being able to sit an relax with a few drinks 🙂 havent touched any alcohol since being diganosed. btw i drink vodka an diet coke, is that an ok drink? thanks xxx
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Hi tracey i woulod not but thats me, have a look at the leaflet that came with the metformin see what it says hun .Im sure having one wont harm it is a special occasion .🙂
A mate of mine is a T2 on Metformin and he didnt change his drinking habits at all when diagnosed. My understanding is that alcohol lowers your blood sugar as does metformin so there is an increased risk of a hypo if you drink so you should aslo make sure that you eat some thing carby. My doc always gives sensible advice so I would suggest you try yours or your DN.
I find I'm OK with a couple of glasses of wine as long as I've eaten a reasonbly sized meal. For my own part two or three is maximum, but we are all different.
I find I'm OK with a couple of glasses of wine as long as I've eaten a reasonbly sized meal. For my own part two or three is maximum, but we are all different.

We definitely are different - not that I condone it but my mate would go out and regularly drink 8+ pints.
thanks for the link steff, think ill just stick to a few glasses xxx

No problems.Like has been said we are all diffirent one person may be able to drink 3-4 glasses and be ok the next may do the same and have issues.You will learn which camp you fall into lol x
There's a rare reaction between Metformin and booze which can cause a medical emergency..lactic acidosis i think...but saying that i'm washed the pill down with a glass of wine or something before and have yet to wind up in hospital. It's rare, but that's the reason you might here people or the Patient Information Leaflet mention not drinking.
You shouldn't go hypo as Metformin doesn't affect the ammount of insulin you have/pump out for your pancreas.
Alcohol is suposed to reduce your blood sugar to start with but is likely to increase it again sometime later and basically alcohol is a sugar anyway. To be frank i don't drink as much as i used to and my alcohol tollerance has gone down, but appart from that i barely notice the difference.
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