Dried blood in the window of my Sil?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi I have woken up this morning with a very tiny amount of dried blood in the window of my Sil infusion set. Goodness knows how I have manged to do that - but must have knocked it somehow in the night. Gave my breakfast bolus as normal this morning (not til 10.30 as I had a lay in)- but wondering if I should be changing it? I am on a CGM at the moment through the Veo, so able to keep a close eye on things.

Bit new to this - so any advice welcome.

Hi I have woken up this morning with a very tiny amount of dried blood in the window of my Sil infusion set. Goodness knows how I have manged to do that - but must have knocked it somehow in the night. Gave my breakfast bolus as normal this morning (not til 10.30 as I had a lay in)- but wondering if I should be changing it? I am on a CGM at the moment through the Veo, so able to keep a close eye on things.

Bit new to this - so any advice welcome.


You will know if it needs changing by the result from your blood sugars. 🙂 If you are going high and a correction doesn't sort it then you know you have a problem. Hope it all settles down for you.
Hi I have woken up this morning with a very tiny amount of dried blood in the window of my Sil infusion set. Goodness knows how I have manged to do that - but must have knocked it somehow in the night. Gave my breakfast bolus as normal this morning (not til 10.30 as I had a lay in)- but wondering if I should be changing it? I am on a CGM at the moment through the Veo, so able to keep a close eye on things.

Bit new to this - so any advice welcome.


Sorry I can't really help, I'm not on a pump. I hope you get it sorted out soon. Best wishes Sheena
I usually change my daughters to be on the safe side as has run a bit higher with this problem before. She is however on really tiny amounts of basal and bolus though which probably struggles to get through as efficiently as a higher dose which perhaps would flush it through.
Hi thanks for all the advice. As I had the CGM on I decided to leave the set in - until I was due to change today. No signs of any blood when I took the cannula out so that was positive. Just think it must've been one of those things and must just have slept funny on it or something. Diabetes certainly continues to be a learning curve!
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