DR. PONDER: Self-management and diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A skilled craftsman uses knowledge, experience and tools to build, repair, or maintain a device or system. In very much the same way, a skilled diabetic applies identical strategies in the management of his or her condition.
When first confronted with the diagnosis of diabetes, a cloud of emotions are released. Denial, anger, bargaining; each are present to greater or lesser degrees. But once a state of acceptance is reached, only then can progress be made at tackling the real challenges ahead.
Diabetes can seem like a confusing array of ?do this? and ?don?t do that? directives. But orders like these only begin to make sense when the reasons behind them are made clear and understandable. Unfortunately, not all patients have access to the diabetes education they need, or the time to absorb it properly. And for those who do get diabetes basic training, any subsequent or ongoing education may be sketchy at best.

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