downer days

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i think ive done a stupid thing

I got up this morning feeling down and was considering texting my tutor on the course that i would not be in this afternoon anyway i didnt and i went in and i feld realy dowm tom the point i was nearly in tears i felt overwelmed
and claustrobic (my coping mecanisum) wasent working and i told him at the break i needed to go home as i couldnt take it in. hoping that that would be that it wasent he came after me to see what was wrong, is there something i wanted to talk about and if i was coming back to the course? me trying to hold myself together said that there wasent anything to talk about and i dont know about going back to the course( i just couldnt get my brain to work and i know it wasent a hypo).

Dont know what to do now as i feel that ive let everyone down and dont know how to walk back into the course again after this eposode on top of the tablets im taking i kinda dont want to add anti depressents to cope with my downer days. felt very bad during the course felt very bad now after the tutor came after me kinda added embarresment to my list wish i could have just slipped out. sorry for my spelling
Hi top im assuming your tutor has no idea your diabetic and of course thats your right to whether he knows or not, but please dont feel embarrest i know exactly how you feel and im sure the tutor will be ok as well as everyone else in the class , they are all adults after all and surely they are grown up enough to not give you a hard time about it.Maybe when you feel your ready tell the tutor.Maybe see the doc and tell him how you are feeling
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Hi Topcat

I know its easier said than done but just go back to the course - less people than you think will have taken any notice of you leaving. Your tutor was only trying to help and may have felt that it was the course causing issues.

I think maybe you should see your GP and see if they can run a few tests to see if there is a physiological reason for the way you are feeling. It could be that you have an underactive thyroid or your medication may have reduced B12 levels. A slow brain isn't always down to depression.

No need to be embarressed at all. I ended up crying in front of my boss the other day as I was so stressed about everything. I had a couple of days off and was really worried about what she would be like when I came back - but it was all fine.

Your tutor sounds like they are quite caring if they bothered to come after you - maybe in a couple of days you will feel up to going and speaking to them about what is going on. Are there any student counselling services you could go and see.

As for the rest of the class you dont have to tell them about the diabetes if you dont want to. Just tell them you had a bad stomach/cold/hangover or something.
thanks for your support everone my head was in a mess im now in my bed for a while at least decided to take tomorrow off from my course and take it from there🙂
thanks for your support everone my head was in a mess im now in my bed for a while at least decided to take tomorrow off from my course and take it from there🙂

Good choice top see if you can get a little sleep and de-stress , come back on here and let us know how you are later x
take care.
morning everyone im feeling a bit better today just off the phone to the doctors surgery waiting for a call back about b12 deficiancy did my homework did not know about the link with metforman and b12 as i am on metforman 850mg x3 a day.
and also mimicing some of the signs of complications i already have will let you know how i get on x🙂
morning everyone im feeling a bit better today just off the phone to the doctors surgery waiting for a call back about b12 deficiancy did my homework did not know about the link with metforman and b12 as i am on metforman 850mg x3 a day.
and also mimicing some of the signs of complications i already have will let you know how i get on x🙂

Good luck with that at least your looking into things and can relate to some of the symptoms, hope all goes well.
Hi Topcat, I hope you're feeling better and you feel able to go back to your course.

We all get down days for one reason or another. Last week I had a couple of days where I kept disapearing into the loo for a good bawl at work. Because I was embaressed about it, I told my manager I had a headache. She is vey understanding and put me into a quiet room with a cup of tea a box of hankies and some soothing music which made me feel even more embaressed, but I did feel better after it.

Half of the recovery is being able to tell others and you told all of us, which is also very brave.
got phone call back from my doctors and i told him about what happened yesterday and about the symptons that i have been having and that i was keen to be tested for b12 the doc said it would be down to bad control of my diabetes!!!!!!! not the b12 i promply told the doc that my sugar level is now running in the 7 8 and 9s i know its not perfect but its the best yet and also promped him that i was testing at least once a day and not twice a week as i have been told by my dn the result i got is ive got an appointment on monday to get blood tests done on my blood sugar and also for b12

if anyone got problems with diabetes and b12 together any info would be much appricated thanks
I'm glad you have a doctors appointment. I hope you get everything sorted and you'll be better soon
hi squidge63
yip im on metforman 850ml x3 a day
i was diagnosed type two in october of last year and my doses been up and down like a yo yo i started 500ml metforman twice a day then it went up 3 times a day then its went to 1000mg twice a day after christmas it went to 850mg x 3 a day but reading other threads i also think that 8 and 10wks between appointments to see my dn is not good enough and that i still havent had my legs and feet looked at since diagnose another couple of points to bring up on monday

dont think my doc going to like me😱
hi squidge63
yip im on metforman 850ml x3 a day
i was diagnosed type two in october of last year and my doses been up and down like a yo yo i started 500ml metforman twice a day then it went up 3 times a day then its went to 1000mg twice a day after christmas it went to 850mg x 3 a day but reading other threads i also think that 8 and 10wks between appointments to see my dn is not good enough and that i still havent had my legs and feet looked at since diagnose another couple of points to bring up on monday

dont think my doc going to like me😱

You are lucky to have DN. I was diagnosed in 2006 and have seen the specialist nurse once. Anything I want done I always have to ask for. It's your health, so ask for whatever you need to keep you well and if your doctor doesn't like it, remind him he gets paid to look after you.

seirously looking for help now, mind i was on last week or so about my downer days well ..... i had my blood test done on monday and was told that i would get my results a week later ... i got a phone call from my receptionist with the results today i kind of dont like that as its means that there is something else wrong with me i now have a b12 deficiancy and there is a scrip waiting for me for tablets and to go for a blood test in a month time .... i dont know where to put my head with this ie i dont know how to take it from here im just getting my head around diabetes i know i need to get well dont know how much more i can take dont know what to do .....i had a nice day went out for lunch with a friend then come home to this dont know what to do with the consent headaches, being disorianted, staggering its not me im on courses then hopefully qualified to get back out to work begining to wonder if courses etc is a pointless excercise..............

seirously looking for help now, mind i was on last week or so about my downer days well ..... i had my blood test done on monday and was told that i would get my results a week later ... i got a phone call from my receptionist with the results today i kind of dont like that as its means that there is something else wrong with me i now have a b12 deficiancy and there is a scrip waiting for me for tablets and to go for a blood test in a month time .... i dont know where to put my head with this ie i dont know how to take it from here im just getting my head around diabetes i know i need to get well dont know how much more i can take dont know what to do .....i had a nice day went out for lunch with a friend then come home to this dont know what to do with the consent headaches, being disorianted, staggering its not me im on courses then hopefully qualified to get back out to work begining to wonder if courses etc is a pointless excercise..............

Goodness me i didnt even know the receptionist could give you results over the phone i know mine aint allowed.I know its very hard for you but at least you have the tablets to treat your deficiency and it will be doing you good taking them , it feels like the courses are pointless but they aint so keep your chin up hun xxx regarding the dizzyness and headaches have you spoke to gp about it ?
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Sorry Topcat probably not much help to you as I am new myself. I have a friend who is Type 1 and she had B12 deficiency as well. I remember how ill she felt while she was waiting to be diagnosed. She now has injections (every 3 months I think) for this and honestly she is like a new woman!

I hope you get sorted soon.
spoke to my gp on monday when i my blood done about my colapsing on thursday, headaches ,downer days ,confusing, me not being to take the course last wednesday who looked at me as if i was a alien and pointed out to me that she does not specialise in diabetes and that another doc does????? needless to say i was not happy that it took me 6 months to tell me this told my family never give me an appointment with this one again and make me one with the other doc in the practice...not long off the phone to the doc again to request a phone call to talk about this wont be able to get this until friday but see how its goes...i hope ..i didnt make it up to the doc this afternoon still in my bed but will get tomorrow
spoke to my gp on monday when i my blood done about my colapsing on thursday, headaches ,downer days ,confusing, me not being to take the course last wednesday who looked at me as if i was a alien and pointed out to me that she does not specialise in diabetes and that another doc does????? needless to say i was not happy that it took me 6 months to tell me this told my family never give me an appointment with this one again and make me one with the other doc in the practice...not long off the phone to the doc again to request a phone call to talk about this wont be able to get this until friday but see how its goes...i hope ..i didnt make it up to the doc this afternoon still in my bed but will get tomorrow

Disgusting that is top you should complian, you should of said well get me someone who can help me with my diabetes thats why im here.
i think at the time i was too .... up to complain it was only when i was walking home i started to think about it and was not amused that doc couldnt give me anything for the headaches or the fact i could take a turn with the cars i .took one of my headaches when out ond my friend could see in my eyes how bad it is
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