Down to 50 HbA1c

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I'm new on here. I was diagnosed 19 months ago with type 2. My figure was 58 and I have got it down to 50. I am not on any medication and have been doing this without support from the medical profession only from my family. They have been brilliant. But my difficulty is this..for years I have suffered from regular episodes of low blood sugar where I feel very unwell and need sugar. This doesn't sit well with reducing my sugar levels! I can't seem to get the right balance. Does anyone else have this? And if so any ideas on how I can combat this and still get my diabetes into remission? Thanks
Hi I'm new on here. I was diagnosed 19 months ago with type 2. My figure was 58 and I have got it down to 50. I am not on any medication and have been doing this without support from the medical profession only from my family. They have been brilliant. But my difficulty is this..for years I have suffered from regular episodes of low blood sugar where I feel very unwell and need sugar. This doesn't sit well with reducing my sugar levels! I can't seem to get the right balance. Does anyone else have this? And if so any ideas on how I can combat this and still get my diabetes into remission? Thanks
We can't diagnose on here, but a type 2 having low blood sugar doesn't seem likely - have you told your GP about these episodes - and were they checked using a blood glucose meter? If so what sort of levels are usual for you and how low do they go when they drop?
If they were after eating then there is a condition called reactive hypoglycaemia where that happens. Has that ever been mentioned by your GP - assuming the episodes have been discussed when they happened.
We can't diagnose on here, but a type 2 having low blood sugar doesn't seem likely - have you told your GP about these episodes - and were they checked using a blood glucose meter? If so what sort of levels are usual for you and how low do they go when they drop?
If they were after eating then there is a condition called reactive hypoglycaemia where that happens. Has that ever been mentioned by your GP - assuming the episodes have been discussed when they happened.
My doctor knows but I have never had a test of any sort for it. It happens when I haven't eaten. I do not test my blood at all. They told me I do not need to. I just have my 3 to 6 months blood test.
I doubt you will be having ‘hypos’ without medication that causes it. Even if it does dip (which is normal, mine can go quite low when I exercise) there are mechanisms that will bring it back up quite quickly, and a hba1c of 50 indicates that levels are generally higher than normal..

As you don’t test, how do you know your blood sugar is going low?
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Hi @jan291 Welcome to the forum.

Well done on your reduction in the HbA1c. Whilst you tell us your HbA1c at diagnosis that does not tell us your daily levels. If your body has been used to higher levels, when you don’t eat that will lower your levels and your body will want you to take your levels back up to the higher levels it is used to. These are sometimes referred to false hypos.

It would be helpful if you were able to test your glucose levels to see what your levels are. ‘normal’ levels are between 4 and 7. You could apply for the freestyle Libre trial, which is being advertised in TV. These monitor your levels continuously for a fortnight. You could use that to spot any patterns in your levels, and see the impact of specific foods, which may help you to further reduce your levels.
Thank you. That is really helpful. I have had the "episodes" for over 20 years but diabetic 19 months. Have yearly mot so know I wasnt before. I haven't a clue what my daily levels are. The dr just said no need to test.
I will look into the trial. I haven't seen it advertised.
Thank you. That is really helpful. I have had the "episodes" for over 20 years but diabetic 19 months. Have yearly mot so know I wasnt before. I haven't a clue what my daily levels are. The dr just said no need to test.
I will look into the trial. I haven't seen it advertised.
Or you could buy a home testing blood glucose monitor, Amazon have a good price for a GlucoNavii with 100 test strips and lancets or £23 at the moment.
Not testing is a bit like driving without a speedometer, you are just guessing whether you are exceeding the speed limit and you risk a fine without blood testing you risk having high levels and not knowing.
Thank you. That is really helpful. I have had the "episodes" for over 20 years but diabetic 19 months. Have yearly mot so know I wasnt before. I haven't a clue what my daily levels are. The dr just said no need to test.
I will look into the trial. I haven't seen it advertised.
Keep us posted on how you get on @jan291 🙂
Keep us posted on how you get on @jan291 🙂
Thanks. Been to drs. It is low blood sugar. Been having it for years. It's just my body. Blood tested 5.8 so was ok. Will just continue as I have been. So now I know I can deal with it :0)
Thanks. Been to drs. It is low blood sugar. Been having it for years. It's just my body. Blood tested 5.8 so was ok. Will just continue as I have been. So now I know I can deal with it :0)
Might be a good idea to get a home blood glucose monitor so you can check things out and take appropriate action rather than assuming your blood glucose is low and over reacting by having too many carbs and getting into a cycle of lows and highs.
Sometimes those sensations can by triggered by a rapid drop in BGs following a rise after a meal. Even if the BG level itself is not technically low/hypoglycaemic.

Having a home BG monitor might reassure you if you are keen not to eat sugary things unnecessarily.

General guidance is to take 10-15g of fast acting carbohydrates if levels fall below 4.0 to prevent them dropping further.

If you were getting warning signs in the mid-high 4s, you may decide to only take something like 5g of fast-acting carbs (eg one jelly baby) which might be enough to stabilise things.
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