Doug Melton and cell replacement therapy

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This IS the way forward.

Yes, I have heard of this and similar research.

One of the problems is how to stop the body killing off the new cells.
For the past 45 years I have used a substance the Mother Nature intended for a pig, and then a man made substitute modified from the substance that Mother Nature intended in some esoteric way, and called an analogue. These substitutes I self-administered, not in the way that Mother Nature intended; directly into my blood, in very small continuous amounts, but in great lumps two and latter four times a day.

Mother Nature intended that, having removed my ability to make insulin, I should attempt to use fat for fuel. She intended that I should not be able to do this well and the burning of fat should produce toxic substances (ketones), and I should then break down proteins for fuel and then die within a few years.

Had this all happened I would have died 40 years ago. On the whole I am pleased that we did not follow what Mother Nature intended. I am not a great fan of Mother Nature nor of what she makes!

Just a thought!
I saw a talk by Prof John Pickup on cell encapsulation probably 10 years ago. It’s an interesting avenue and progress is being made, but I get the feeling that it falls into the ‘could be available in 10 years’ category which has been popular and packed full of Exciting New Developments since the late 70s.
🙂) I see your point..

What i should have said is that the cells made in the lab can only respond to high glucose levels: around 20mM, which is when someone has untreated diabetes, but they are not good at responding to more modest levels, i.e. that attained after a normal meal.. So at this moment, the cells could treat diabetes (and they are in clinical trials for that), but perhaps not better than a pump.
Though, research is continuing. We need to see what makes them more sensitive and responsive..
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