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Doubting Your Type 1


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All

Did any of you go through periods just after diagnosis where you doubted whether you were type 1? I know Im in the honeymoon phase but Im barely taking any Insulin at the moment - 8 Units of Levemir at night and Im down to a ratio of 0.75 at Breakfast/lunch and still having at least 1 Hypo a day! My carb counting is spot on as I weigh everything I eat still. The only time I don't get Hypos is after evening meal.

Im finding it really frustraing at the moment as its knocking my confidence to stray too far away from home and my desk at work.

How did you all manage through this period? I've seen posters state they take anything up to 80 units of long acting Insulin and on ratios of 4/1, the thought of having to inject that much worries me also!

When i was diagnosed type 1 last october i was on 4 units, now 5 months later i am on 30 units of novomix in the morning, 14 units of rapid at lunch and 10 units of rapid at tea time and yes i did wonder at first if it was all real as i was only on a very small dose but it was then explained that it has to be done slowly, too much can cause more problems, hope this helps:)

Im being treated a Type 1 at the moment because I had a really bad infection which had caused me to be admitted to hospital and thats when it was discovered i was diabetic. I have been having good readings since I finished on the antibotics so my DN is reviewing whether I am in fact type 1 or type 2. Got meeting with her and consultant tomorrow so will have to wait and see what they say



You need to put in perspective what you read on here about insulin quantities, for instance, you will find that type1 will take less insulin than type2, the reason being that type2 are resistant to insulin. I have been type2 for 3 years and my insulin is Levemir, 140 units split at 70 units morning and evening, then my novorapid is 60 units at breakfast, 40 units at lunch and 40 units at dinner. Just remember that what suits one may not suit another, we are all different, but with one common thing..Diabetes..lol


Honeymoon phase is odd - particularly for young fit adults, as I was, too, when diagnosed. And, yes, my insulin requirements did gradually increase, but vary a lot now, well out of honeymoon phase, but living a somewhat varied life, with periods of great and less physical activity. Insulin requirements vary between people, but I've ended up needing 12 - 16 units (usually 14 - 16) Humalin I long acting each morning and each evening (splitting dose suits me better, but only consider with help from diabetes team), plus 4 to 10 units (usually 8) Humalog each meal.

Personally, I always carry something sugary in my pockets - a few boiled sweets, for example, so that I can always eat something, if I begin to feel hypoglycaemic - often without anyone even noticing. It does mean that I always inspect pockets in "posh" trousers or jackets before buying, but that's not much of a limitation. Casual clothes are much easier - even some tracksters have pockets for running / biking, and cargo trousers can carry muesli bars, too. With sugar in my pockets, I don't feel tied to desk or anywhere. Hope that idea helps you, too.
oh I was convinced they had it wrong for ages and went into total denial for a while, of course then my a1cs proved quite categorically that they were not wrong!!
I had a short period of denial after I was diagnosed, but I had to ask myself "why exactly were you in intensive care if it wasn't diabetes?". That pretty much sorted things.