double vision

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am in my 3rd week of the Newcastle 600 diet. lost 13 lbs so far, weight went up a lb now today it down a lb. I seem to be getting double vision when I stand up, look up while standing. could this be caused by the rapit weight loss and the fact that since starting the diet I have not had to take any insulin at all, readings are average 104 on my libra 2.
Thanks for any help anyone might have.
I am in my 3rd week of the Newcastle 600 diet. lost 13 lbs so far, weight went up a lb now today it down a lb. I seem to be getting double vision when I stand up, look up while standing. could this be caused by the rapit weight loss and the fact that since starting the diet I have not had to take any insulin at all, readings are average 104 on my libra 2.
Thanks for any help anyone might have.
When blood glucose drops quickly it can affect your eyes as the environment within the eye changes from being 'sugary' as a result of high blood glucose to the more normal 'salty' so the shape of your eye changes altering the focal length usually that means your vision changes and things become out of focus. The double vision may be that but worth getting checked out.
It happened to me and it felt as if my eyes were in different heads as they didn't focus together for close vision, far vision was fine. It took several months to settle down. You should not get new glasses until the eyes settle as they may change again.
Do you test your own blood pressure @frustrated Sometimes a big change in diet can lower blood pressure and if that happens quickly, you can feel a bit light-headed.
Might be worth getting it checked out; double vision can be caused by the muscles in the eye not working properly, due to nerves, and it can be caused by diabetes.
When blood glucose drops quickly it can affect your eyes as the environment within the eye changes from being 'sugary' as a result of high blood glucose to the more normal 'salty' so the shape of your eye changes altering the focal length usually that means your vision changes and things become out of focus. The double vision may be that but worth getting checked out.
It happened to me and it felt as if my eyes were in different heads as they didn't focus together for close vision, far vision was fine. It took several months to settle down. You should not get new glasses until the eyes settle as they may change again.
Thank you
When blood glucose drops quickly it can affect your eyes as the environment within the eye changes from being 'sugary' as a result of high blood glucose to the more normal 'salty' so the shape of your eye changes altering the focal length usually that means your vision changes and things become out of focus. The double vision may be that but worth getting checked out.
It happened to me and it felt as if my eyes were in different heads as they didn't focus together for close vision, far vision was fine. It took several months to settle down. You should not get new glasses until the eyes settle as they may change again.
It’s been a big concern I hope that is all it is
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