Dose 20min before food?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wondering how many of you measure your bG and dose up 20 minutes before food as per John Walsh? It's something I didn't do with MDI, so have started now. I'd forgotten how much discipline it takes, the last time I did this was with mixtard.
I am trying to do this on MDI to combat spikes, just needs a bit more experimentation.....

If on a pump can you not use the dual wave function to combat spikes post meal etc........
I try to do this in the morning, mainly because my routine means that I can get up, check my BG, bolus for breakfast and then by the time I've got ready and made breakfast it's usually about 15-20 min. I've noticed less spikes two hours after breakfast this way, but it's a lot harder to do for lunch and dinner as I'm usually doing something else before eating, and I don't want to risk hypos. It definitely takes a lot more discipline! :D

Novorapidboi, dual waves are good for things that take a bit longer to peak, such as pizza and you want to stretch out the insulin to cover the delayed food effect, but if you have spikes that are caused by the food kicking in before the insulin, then you still need to find some way of speeding up the insulin, and the simplest way of doing that is pre-bolusing. 🙂
I try to do this in the morning, mainly because my routine means that I can get up, check my BG, bolus for breakfast and then by the time I've got ready and made breakfast it's usually about 15-20 min. I've noticed less spikes two hours after breakfast this way, but it's a lot harder to do for lunch and dinner as I'm usually doing something else before eating, and I don't want to risk hypos. It definitely takes a lot more discipline! :D

Novorapidboi, dual waves are good for things that take a bit longer to peak, such as pizza and you want to stretch out the insulin to cover the delayed food effect, but if you have spikes that are caused by the food kicking in before the insulin, then you still need to find some way of speeding up the insulin, and the simplest way of doing that is pre-bolusing. 🙂

Ah, I see the differences now............thanking you....😎
I bolus 30 mins before food always have done.
If I'm at home (and can therefore pretty safely say when I'm going to eat) I try to bolus about 30mins before a meal because it really does help me avoid spikes.

If I'm in a restaurant, I'll often bolus for half of what I expect to eat 30mins before, but wait until I've actually seen the food on the table before I put the rest in. That way, I have some insulin to avoid the spike, but I'm in less trouble if the food takes an age to arrive or is inedible when it does.
Have you experienced any lows if your meal hasnt been started say at the 45 minute mark after bolusing.....

It doesn't happen 🙂 I eat at the 30 min mark end of I use bovine neutral in my pump. I have never had a problem with spikes using MDI either.
It doesn't happen 🙂 I eat at the 30 min mark end of I use bovine neutral in my pump. I have never had a problem with spikes using MDI either.

Is that through strategic insulin injecting or just luck...........:D
You inject yourself with bovine? *snigger*

j/k and sorry I couldn't help myself. Only in friendly jest. :D
You inject yourself with bovine? *snigger*

j/k and sorry I couldn't help myself. Only in friendly jest. :D

Bovine neutral insulin
If Im at home I try to do bolus 15 mins before my food, but not if I am work incase something happens and interupts my intensions to eat.

It takes some effort though! Plus Im one of these people who knows when there dinner is cooked because the smoke alarm goes off, so "timing" isnt my thing 😉
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