Dorset failing to reach diabetes treatment targets

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
JUST three out of every 10 people with diabetes in Dorset are reaching recommended treatment targets to reduce the risk of serious complications including amputation, blindness and stroke, according to new analysis.

Diabetes UK investigation of the National Diabetes Audit 2012-2013 revealed only 32 per cent of the county’s 37,000 people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes reached the three NICE-recommended targets of glucose control, blood pressure and cholesterol.

The findings are especially important in light of aims to raise awareness of the condition on World Diabetes Day this Friday.

Interesting - I wouldn't meet the cholesterol 'target' since mine is above 4.0, so would I be a black mark on this criteria? I think not! 🙄
It would be interesting to see what percetage of our members would pass. I don't think I'd pass the glucodse control level of 4-7 before meals and not more than 9 after - how often do they expect people to be within this target? My Libre tells me 57% of the time (- yes, another useful feature!)
I agree, but I think mine varies day to day to be honest, I don't think there's ever been a pattern - but the Libre could confirm that at least ...... or prove me wrong which I'd prefer cos I could do summat about it then.

Now, I can't.
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