Dont understand my BG numbers???

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My BG upon waking this morning was 11.9, this is normal as I do get Dawn Phenomenon! However had a protein yoghurt for breakfast
14g carbs. My BG just now 3hrs later 11.6??
I am at my wits end!! I was taking 240mg of Glicazide instead of my usual 160mg. This was because of Pnuemonia I had last Christmas and the steroids etc used to treat it. I am due a Hba1c on 11th June to see if it worked. I can't seem to get my BG stabilised I have never had BG below 8.0 since Covid last August. My taste is impaired and I can't smell anything since then either. I eat Low carb but nothing is working anymore!! Does anyone have any ideas what I can do. My GP is a dinosaur and still hasn't caught up with low carb yet!!! :(
That sounds like you might need a change of medication. Could you ask to see a different doctor? Sorry I can’t be of much help, I hope some more type 2s might be along soon to give better advice. I wonder if you might have long Covid and be needing some extra assistance?
@snowball12 - are you fairly close to a hospital which has a Diabetes Centre (variously confusing names are available!)?
You might ask to be referred there, to people who deal with diabetes every day for a living, to get you started on what you need, so that your doctor (and you!) can benefit from their greater experience.
That sounds like you might need a change of medication. Could you ask to see a different doctor? Sorry I can’t be of much help, I hope some more type 2s might be along soon to give better advice. I wonder if you might have long Covid and be needing some extra assistance?
I have been thinking the same thing. I will have to go to GP . Thanks for replying
@snowball12 - are you fairly close to a hospital which has a Diabetes Centre (variously confusing names are available!)?
You might ask to be referred there, to people who deal with diabetes every day for a living, to get you started on what you need, so that your doctor (and you!) can benefit from their greater experience.
I am very close to two large hospitals..I will ask for a referral from my GP if I can see him. Thanks for your help
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