don't take your feet for granted lol

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
well as i type this I'm sitting with a bandage on my big right toe ,
the story is so crazy i still cant believe how it happened ,
i was stamping my feet to get mud off my shoes when i miss timed a stamp and hit my toes of the jutting ledge of the stair ,i jumped about for a bit cursing my stupidity ,then as the pain subsided i thought bloody h*ll how stupid was that ,
later on that night i was going for a bath and noticed some blood on my big toe and that the nail was broke rather deep ,so i had my bath and put a plaster on the toe to help the nail nit back in ,
two days latr i started to feel a throbbing in me big toe and by the next day it was extremely painful ,so off i trots to the docs takes off the plaster and hey presto my feckin toe is poisoned what a bummer ,its getting better, taking lots of penicillin 2 box`s lol, according to the doc double the dose because of my diabetes lol

the moral of this story is don't take your feet for granted and plant a plaster on any cuts get them seen too immediately it will save pain and medication lol
OUCH william i'd still be crying if that had been me, hope all the penicillen does the trick, i never take my feet for granted well i tell a whitelie last week i never used to dry them proper between the toes then i posted on here about it and since then i have been.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Ouch! At least you had the toe seen to William 🙂 I think we drove Simon away with all our nagging about the state of his toe! 😱

I hope your toe heals well and that you never repeat the accident! 🙂

Hope it heals up sharpish, and cheers for the reminder, good to hear real stories even though not good for the story teller! I'm sure I'll damage mine soon enough!

(excuse me just feeling a bit dark at the moment, it'll pass soon enough, well not quite soon enough but nearly soon enough, I'l shut up now!🙄)


Hope it sorts itself out soon, and the antibiotics do their job...
eek, never leave a plaster on, always let it breath! (god, I sound like my mother 😉)
Hope the antibiotics heal your toe quickly.
I hope your toe feels better soon. Your reaction would be the same as mine, if it's bleeding put a plaster on it and then get help if anything else goes wrong, although I'd probably go to the hospital because it takes a week to get an appointment with my doctor!
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