Don't know what to do

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've had my first appointment with the diabetic consultant today and it didn't go as I expected at all.

Since May/June last year I have been told by my GP and diabetes nurses that they believe I have LADA. My GAD antibody test was 1837.8 and Metformin and Gliclazide had no affect on my sugars so I have been on insulin since then. Lantus and Fiasp.

When I mentioned they presume I have LADA to the consultant she screwed her face up and said "No. You are Type 2". She said people can have high antibody tests and be Type 2. She was aware that I was diagnosed as Type 2 around 9 years ago which was never properly controlled with Metformin. It was only in 2022 when I was pregnant and put on insulin that my sugars were at an acceptable level. Once my baby was born I was taken off all medication and nurses then realised the Metformin and Gliclazide didn't work at all.

I currently have a Libre 2 but apparently now I'm not in the category to get that prescribed anymore. To think about going back to finger pricking all the time fills me with dread. I did mention a pump but obviously that is also out of the question. My stomach is covered in bruises from where I have been injecting. I have tried my legs but I find that too painful. She told me that I will never totally be off the insulin (she increased my doses). She is also going to get another injection prescribed which I need to take weekly to help me loose weight.

I am sorry about the long post but I feel incredibly defeated. I suffer with anxiety and depression and as soon as I left the appointment and got home it really hit me. I just can't understand how so many people said they believe I have LADA but for her it was out of the question. I honestly don't know what to think or do. Do I try and get a second opinion?
Have you had your Cpeptide tested to see how much insulin your body produces?
Not that I am aware of. I cannot see any results for that on my NHS app.
It wouldn’t be in the NHS app if the hospital did it
I havnt had any tests at a hospital. Only at my GP surgery.
Worth getting Cpeptide tested if you haven’t had it then you’ll know how much insulin you produce to help decide what type you are
Did they test for all the Type 1 antibodies @Confetti ? My consultant says you need at least two antibodies to be Type 1. As @Lucyr says, a C Peptide test would be helpful too.

What are your insulin doses? Are you very overweight? (Apologies for asking).

To inject in your thighs (which is my favourite injection site) have you pinched up the flesh gently? It shouldn’t hurt. In fact, most people find the stomach more painful. You can also use your buttocks for injections.
Did they test for all the Type 1 antibodies @Confetti ? My consultant says you need at least two antibodies to be Type 1. As @Lucyr says, a C Peptide test would be helpful too.

What are your insulin doses? Are you very overweight? (Apologies for asking).
I only had the GAD antibody test. No others were done. Hba1c is currently 77. I am now injecting 40 Lantus and 3units for 10g carbs Fiasp.

I do struggle with my weight due to having PCOS as well. Currently 110kg. I was managing to loose weight before I got pregnant in 2022. I am struggling to loose it again.

I usually pinch wherever I am injecting. I have tried my thighs a few times but it hurts more than my stomach.
The PCOS must make it harder for you @Confetti It can also cause insulin resistance, which your Fiasp doses show. It’s probably part of why the consultant said you’re Type 2. The positive thing is that if you can lose some weight, you should be able to improve things.

Sorry your thighs hurt to inject :( Try your bum maybe?
You can also inject into your upper arms in the same area as you would apply Libre. I find the tops of my thighs much less painful than mid thigh.
You can also inject into your upper arms in the same area as you would apply Libre. I find the tops of my thighs much less painful than mid thigh.
I have asked about injecting into my arms and have been told no. So I am a bit confused about that now.
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