Dont know what to do.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Still having trouble injecting despite taking great care. Its almost like im having troubke because im not awake enough doing my am basal. Suppised to havr 3 units this morning and looks like i lost aboit half of it. I havr no idea what happened! I didnt see the needle come out or feel it. A large puddle just appeared of the surface after injecting. It didnt even look like it oozed back out. I suppose another day of big corrections will be in order at mealtimes?
Could you have your basal later @gillrogers ? Even slightly later might help you be a little more awake, and make a difference.
Probably couod but i think it would compound a problem I have at lunchtime due to it giving me a drop for about two hours between 12 and 2. Im.already bolusing 15 minutes after ive eaten.
You know when you do your air shot before you inject. Do you do this with the needle pointing upwards and could this not be some of that insulin which instead of shooting into the air just trickles down the needle and pools at the base of the needle and then when you insert the needle into your injection site, this insulin is left on the surface of the skin? I certainly get a wet patch on the skin surface from this sometimes.
You know when you do your air shot before you inject. Do you do this with the needle pointing upwards and could this not be some of that insulin which instead of shooting into the air just trickles down the needle and pools at the base of the needle and then when you insert the needle into your injection site, this insulin is left on the surface of the skin? I certainly get a wet patch on the skin surface from this sometimes.
Hi Barbara, no its not the airshot. I do mine horizonatally then tap the pen to knock out any residue. I started doing that when i realised i could be having problems. But thanks anyway ‍♀️
Hi Barbara, no its not the airshot. I do mine horizonatally then tap the pen to knock out any residue. I started doing that when i realised i could be having problems. But thanks anyway ‍♀️
You may have tried all these but have a look anyway.
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