Dont know what ive done wrong !

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After such a sucessful couple of weeks with the pump giving me bs of 4-7 's i woke up this morning @17 😱 not had any carbs yet just been correcting slowly coming down 15 and now 13 .Did a cartridge change yesterday could it be that ? or should i chnge cannula a day early ? im stumped :(
There is always a reason! Even if you dont find it.

I would check canula site, tubing for bubbles etc. You are coming down so correction is working, so presume reservoir ok?

Could you have had a night hypo maybe? Or you may be coming down with something and just dont know it yet? :(
I primed my line in case it was bubbles but only a few tiny tiny ones ,i think i may change cannula thanks Tracey
Could it be because im on antibiotics ?
If you are on antibiotics you've probably got your answer..

Antibiotics don't put blood glucose levels up, but the infection that they are treating will though...

You may had had an air bubble go through, if it doesn't settle down then yes change your infusion set to rule this out, check the cannular to see if it's kinked at all..

If your blood glucose still high after the cannular change then it even more likely the infection the antibiotics are treating, you may need to use a TBR while the infection is causing problems..
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