Dont know what i did wrong

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Yesterday all my bloods were running in single figures and in target apart from breakfast at 9.1 but still a single digit which was an improvement.
I took by blood at 9.30 and it was 5.4 which i thought was great but then thought i needed to check my emails so stayed on comp for an hr, didnt eat or drink anything or even move and when i took it at 10.30 it shot up to 10.5.
I had eaten at 6.30 so wasnt expecting an spikes with meals but after going to bed and not adjusting i stuck to my plan of 3am and 5am testing and they were 14.9 and 15.3 and this mornings result was 15.2 😱

what did i do wrong :confused: im so confused and to be honest upset i know its early days and should allow for blips but normally i understand them, any advice??
What did you have to eat Emma? Some foods rise very late for some people (like pasta, pizza). Other than that, the only things I could think are that you are starting with a cold or something, or your basal insulin is not being absorbed properly from the injection site. Hope things settle today.
p.s. you did actually stay very steady through the night, just that you started high, so maybe what I just said about basal is rubbish!
Thanks northerner 🙂
I had chicken, spinach leaves, colslaw and a small garlic ciabatta, all at 6.30pm followed by some chocolate buttons at 7.30 and a cuppa tea - i injected 1st for all of them.

i didnt correct at 10.30 coz i wasnt sure what id done🙂 :confused:
Thanks northerner 🙂
I had chicken, spinach leaves, colslaw and a small garlic ciabatta, all at 6.30pm followed by some chocolate buttons at 7.30 and a cuppa tea - i injected 1st for all of them.

i didnt correct at 10.30 coz i wasnt sure what id done🙂 :confused:

That is a puzzle then, I can't imagine that meal would have a late spike (sounds very nice!). I'd correct this morning and then keep a close eye on things through the day - I can only think it must be a cold or something like that - perhaps someone else will be along with a better suggestion!
How annoying for you.

Hate it when the D gremlins do something like that just to mess with your head :confused:

Maybe some readings over the next day or so will offer up an explanation (if as Northie says you are coming down with something). Maybe you basal needs have changed by a tiny amount with the colder weather? I know some people need less basal when the weather warms. Perhaps you need a tiny amount more when it gets wintry?

Looking on the bright side, by the sound of it you were slightly horrified to shoot up to 10.5mmol/L. This suggests that your control is really very good at the mo. There have been times in the past where I'd thought 10.5 'pretty much OK' and only really raised my eyebrows when I got up into the teens 😱

It could just be me, but my bloods tend to spike after eating garlic bread, and always end up doing a correction dose.

You haven't done anything wrong, just diabetes rearing its unpredictable head.
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