Don?t let diabetes delay motherhood

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
PREGNANCY was something that concerned biology teacher Emma Finnegan because of her diabetes.

But it ended up being less complicated than she had anticipated.

Twelve years ago Liverpudlian Emma, who now lives in Newry, was diagnosed with Type One diabetes while she was studying at university.

“At the time I was at university and lost a lot of weight without trying,” she said. “My housemates noticed that and I was thirsty all of the time which was not like me. I constantly felt the need to drink. I was very tired and moody as well which was out of character. Then someone said to me that I was probably a diabetic - and I laughed it off.

“But as time went on I went to the doctor. I ended up in hospital in Leeds Infirmary for a week at the time I was being diagnosed which I found quite traumatic.”

“My treatment for asthma involved taking aural steroids"

via the ears, one assumes! 😱 :D
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