Don’t want to eat

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all I’m not sure how to explain this but I just don’t want to eat, everything tastes like cardboard even the foods i use to enjoy. I have full dentures and I’ve had Diabetes for over 30 years but have never had a problem with food until recently. my doctor doesn’t understand and seem to diagnose anything. I don’t know were to turn?
Hi all I’m not sure how to explain this but I just don’t want to eat, everything tastes like cardboard even the foods i use to enjoy. I have full dentures and I’ve had Diabetes for over 30 years but have never had a problem with food until recently. my doctor doesn’t understand and seem to diagnose anything. I don’t know were to turn?
Hi and welcome.

Sorry to hear that you are no longer enjoying your food and it is putting you off eating.
Are you on any medication for your diabetes? Obviously if you are using insulin then you do need to give consideration to your doses if you are not eating much. Medication like Metformin can sometimes reduce your appetite so if you have had a medication change recently then that might be the cause, but if you have lost your sense of taste (and perhaps smell) then Covid or even normal flu could be responsible and it may take quite a long time to return.

If you can give us a bit more info about your diabetes medication and how this is affecting you, then we can perhaps make more appropriate suggestions. It is awful when you are no longer able to enjoy your food.
Hi and welcome.

Sorry to hear that you are no longer enjoying your food and it is putting you off eating.
Are you on any medication for your diabetes? Obviously if you are using insulin then you do need to give consideration to your doses if you are not eating much. Medication like Metformin can sometimes reduce your appetite so if you have had a medication change recently then that might be the cause, but if you have lost your sense of taste (and perhaps smell) then Covid or even normal flu could be responsible and it may take quite a long time to return.

If you can give us a bit more info about your diabetes medication and how this is affecting you, then we can perhaps make more appropriate suggestions. It is awful when you are no longer able to enjoy your food.
I’m on insulin type 1 nova rapid and tourjao I had covid in June but I’m sure this has been with me a while just slowly getting worse I have a horrible taste in my mouth forever using mouthwash it just makes no difference my mouth feels sore
I’m on insulin type 1 nova rapid and tourjao I had covid in June but I’m sure this has been with me a while just slowly getting worse I have a horrible taste in my mouth forever using mouthwash it just makes no difference my mouth feels sore
Have you talked to your dentist about it?
I’m on insulin type 1 nova rapid and tourjao I had covid in June but I’m sure this has been with me a while just slowly getting worse I have a horrible taste in my mouth forever using mouthwash it just makes no difference my mouth feels sore

Could it be oral thrush? Also, ear/nose/throat infections can make your food taste off and make your mouth feel weird. In addition, a zinc deficiency can also affect your sense of taste.

Depending on what mouthwash you’re using, that itself could be prolonging or contributing to the problem as it could be drying your mouth and affecting your taste buds.

Have you spoken to your GP about it? If not, I would. There might be a simple answer that will get you back to enjoying your food again.
I had a similar thing a few years ago following a really nasty cold and sinusitis, I had a constant runny nose, couldn't smell or taste anything or more accurately everything tasted horrible. I went to the dentist and he referred me to an ENT consultant but he could find nothing and just said it can be the aftermath of a viral infection.
Gradually my taste came back and is fine now.
It would be worth you seeing your doctor or dentist to rule things out and there may be some simple treatment that will help.
Meanwhile oral hygiene is important, some people recommend brushing your tongue. Maybe consult your pharmacist to see if there are any mouthwashes that may be better. Corsodyl has always been a good one.
I’m on insulin type 1 nova rapid and tourjao I had covid in June but I’m sure this has been with me a while just slowly getting worse I have a horrible taste in my mouth forever using mouthwash it just makes no difference my mouth feels sore

Sorry to hear you have lost enjoyment of food and eating @Thomasd :(

I’ve updated your profile to reflect T1 rather than T2 (in case any members get confused).

I know people who have said that they have needed stringer flavours as they got older, but I guess that varies from person to person?

How is your sense of smell? Is that unaffected? I believe smell has a significant effect on your ability to taste (eg a blindfold taste test is much trickier if wearing a nose clip)

Sorry that you Dr doesn’t seem to have had much in the way of ideas as to what might be up :(

Hope you are able to gradually recover your love of food.
I’m on insulin type 1 nova rapid and tourjao I had covid in June but I’m sure this has been with me a while just slowly getting worse I have a horrible taste in my mouth forever using mouthwash it just makes no difference my mouth feels sore

See your dentist as it could be issue with salivary glands, had infection with own last year & had to take antibiotic to clear it up, symptoms was dry mouth but also had pain in side of head, didn't lose appetite so could be unrelated to your condition.
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