Don’t know who to talk to I can’t hold this in anymore I feel like it’s messing with my sugar levels

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Jacinta (Australian)

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello lovelies , so I am going through so many things right now and I think it’s messing with my sugars because I’m so stressed out it isn’t funny . I have a job at the moment and my line manager wasn’t nice to me at all treated me like crap so I moved into cashier department and I’m more relaxed , I don’t know if I should even tell my manager that I enrolled into my course that I just recently signed up for ? It doesn’t interfere with my work roster but this course is completely different to where I work in . So I’m stressing out if I should tell him or just keep it on the low at the moment the course goes for 12 months . My other problem is with my family at the moment and my so called father. I just don’t know what to do , I’m overloaded with the family situation to the point is I don’t know when I’m about to break , the other day I wanted to scream really loud and start crying but I’ve held that down in the drain, I don’t show much emotion but I can tell I’m almost at breaking point and I don’t want to let it go while at work because I’m dealing with customers the hole time . I need a scream room or something , I keep telling myself it’s going to be an amazing day every time I go to work which is my escape so I don’t think about it . But on the drive there and home that’s all my mind thinks about and I don’t know if I can hold it in much anymore , every time I think about it I’m one inch closer to loosing it. I just want everything to go away I think that’s also the reason why I chose to start studying so I don’t have to think about it and that I can put my mind somewhere else . I can only ask boss for so many hours or days because they have so much money to use before they get in strife. I rather distract myself in studying then anything else . I don’t care if people judge me for studying and working but the way I see it is Im expanding myself to a career that I want . What my father did I really want to stop thinking about it to be honest , I don’t want to think anymore nor do I ever want to see him like ever and I’m worried if I see him down the street or if he comes to my work that I’d regert what Id do to him or say or anything in between , I don’t have anyone to talk to but my fiancée but I’m scared if I let it all out I’ll just end up crying and my blood sugar will go through the roof after it and I’ll end up with a bad stomach ache . What should I do ? Please I need advice and holding this in is killing me inside . Im trying everything to keep it at bay but I don’t know how much longer I can hold it.
I didnt want to read and run, I can see you are struggling at the moment. I am working at the moment but will pop back on, in the meantime someone else more knowledgeable will be along to advise you. It is good you have let it out here, is there someone in real life you can speak to?

sending hugs x
I'm not sure I'm the best person to advise you, but I would say you have no secrets from your fiance.
As far as your job is concerned, I don't think doing a education course in your own time which has no impact on your working hours that you have any obligation to inform your manager. It is your business.
You should talk to your fiance about your other worries. But bear in mind that nobody has the right to make you feel as you do and if it means having nothing to do with them then that is what you have to do and it is their loss.
Focus on the positives, your success at managing your diabetes, getting back into studying, your fiance and your relationship.
Oh bless you. Let it out. Put on some loud music and sing along loudly and dance until your body feels like it’s let go. Or watch a weepy movie. Or cry in the shower. And yes talk to your fiancée. You need to let it out somehow or you’ll explode in a way you can’t control. Yes it might spike your BG for the day when you let it all out but holding onto stress will also raise it. You’ll recover a lower BG if you can feel less stressed.

As for work. No need to tell them about your course unless you want to.

It’s fine to put boundaries in with your dad. Is there anyone else who would help with that?
I didnt want to read and run, I can see you are struggling at the moment. I am working at the moment but will pop back on, in the meantime someone else more knowledgeable will be along to advise you. It is good you have let it out here, is there someone in real life you can speak to?

sending hugs x
Thankyou Jenny “hugs back” . I have my fiancée and my mum but that’s it , I know I need to speak it out to them but I don’t mean in anyway disrespect towards them they just tell me not to worry about it and it’s not that easy at all .
I'm not sure I'm the best person to advise you, but I would say you have no secrets from your fiance.
He knows everything but his answer again I don’t mean any disrespect is basically don’t worry about it . Which it’s hard not to basically .
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