Doing well

david fox

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi everybody. I hope you are all well. Not been on here for a very long time. Have now been living with pre diabetic for quite a while now and feeling much better in my self. Used to be 13 stone now am 10 stone. Exercising every day. Very hard to find inspiration when having to get up at 05.00 for work but managing it. Bought a exersise byke because the weather is rubbish and also have a video projector set up so am revisiting my dvd box sets which makes the time go quicker, So far have watched all 4 seesions of Blakes 7. All 2 seesions of Hex. All 2 seesions of Carnivelle. Danger man. The Prisner Life on mars. Had to have a MRI scan. for two days I was not allowed to eat any whole meal or fruit or any suger free food. Ow the irony. Have even given up on diet coke. My drink is now fizzy mineral water with fresh lemon. Keep well eveyone David Fox
Well done on keeping things going, especially in this foul weather we are having. Great idea buying an exercise bike and watching dvds. I just put my cagoule on and go and mutter and grumble about British summers while stomping along the soggy towpath. Maybe I should get an exercise bike! Hope the MRI scan is ok.
Keep at it @david fox ! Exercise can indeed get very repetitive, I've no idea why I haven't tried watching my shows while doing it 😳 If I get stuck at the gym past closing time now because I'm waiting to finish a season - that's on you! :D Hope the MRI goes well and keep us posted!
Hi everybody. I hope you are all well. Not been on here for a very long time. Have now been living with pre diabetic for quite a while now and feeling much better in my self. Used to be 13 stone now am 10 stone. Exercising every day. Very hard to find inspiration when having to get up at 05.00 for work but managing it. Bought a exersise byke because the weather is rubbish and also have a video projector set up so am revisiting my dvd box sets which makes the time go quicker, So far have watched all 4 seesions of Blakes 7. All 2 seesions of Hex. All 2 seesions of Carnivelle. Danger man. The Prisner Life on mars. Had to have a MRI scan. for two days I was not allowed to eat any whole meal or fruit or any suger free food. Ow the irony. Have even given up on diet coke. My drink is now fizzy mineral water with fresh lemon. Keep well eveyone David Fox
Amazing work, well done!